Wednesday, September 30, 2009
JOTD: Gore Vidal
fatheaded - "fat^hed-did" - past tense, verb: to be posterized as a life-size wall decoration, made an example
"Wow, Ray Lewis fatheaded the shit out of Darren Sproles in Week 2."
P.S. Have you EVER heard a more redneck story?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
WTF????? Happy Birthday Jackal
PS x44jackal44x do not sleep or we will kick you in your baby nuts. Baleeve it.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Congratulations! Your NFL team won a game! But your state is disintegrating...
So there's a proverbial monkey off of the collective backs of Michiganites everywhere, but you might want to remedy this situation. I can already see it, Detroit will be like the O.K. Corral when you take a road trip out west. You'll have to sell your baby to get a tank of gas. As depressing as it was to watch the 'Skins totally shit their bed, I was saddened much more by watching pathetic Lions fans celebrate their first victory since the 2007 calendar year. Their joy sobered the five beers I had drank(Dominion Hop Mountain Pale Ale, quite good, but in no way a "light" beer) right out of me. Football is fun to watch. When your team wins, it's really fun and it makes it easier to go to work and endure "the suck". Will somebody, other than the Lions, give Michigan a reason to not be totally fucking depressed? I'm not sure what I would do if I lived there, but it would inevitably lead to drugs, violence and more violence. I would constantly walk down the street with my jackals and ask, "Are you staring at him?" or I'd say "Don't even look at him!" in the hope of getting beaten to death and put out of my Detroitian misery. On a side note, 'Skins fans, please tell me there is a clause in Haynesworth's contract that says, "if this fat ass blows a tire, we don't have to pay him 100 million clams"
Quote of the Day
P.S. Go Hokies! I really can't get enough of Jason Worilds absolutely abusing that Miami offensive lineman at 3:13...
P.P.S. Ball Deep, a recommendation: Start watching college football.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Gay Clone of the Century: Dan fucking Snyder

Jackal vs GAF: Jackal wins every time
PS I am pretty sure the dude from Creed is wearing mascara, leather pants and feeling his Moobs at 27 seconds
PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPS Skins better beat the fucking Lions.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
JOTD- Craphonso Thorpe- The Man, The Legend

What exactly were his parents thinking? Blending shit with a weird mexicanish/italian name? All I know is it makes me laff, and also be on the lookout for Shitseppi Jones out of the Las Vegas Locos!
Edit- I actually just looked, and there is an Adrian Awasom on the LVL's. WTF? I guess they really cant afford people with real names.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Colonial Parking Can Suck It
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
JOTD: Biagio Sciscione

Monday, September 21, 2009
Thank God for Changing Times
Head and KOTJ may be onto something
JOTW: Scar Shoulders

The 4 letter thought they were gonna keep me from slitting my wrists after watching the Terps game Saturday by pushing the game to their ESPN360 channel, which isn't really a channel at all, it's the fucking interweb. In the words of pre stroke Lee Corso, NOT SO FAST SWEETHEART! 30 bucks at Best Buy later your boy was cursing James Franklin live and direct as the good lord Anubis intended.
Fast forward 4 hours and SS is picking up the slack for Pontius, who pissed in the post toasties by forgetting to get beer for the Redskins tailgate, carrying beer back from Giant with VoiceMail. Jackals help Jackals even if they aren't down for the tailgate.
Awesome was gotten.
Fast forward another 12 hours and you find SS on the V St court running ball with David Axelrod and Gene Sperling. Who knew this old ass Obama Bama who shoots the ball spinning sideways like a chest pass would go 19 of 30 from beyond the arc? Mad respect...
Next thing you know it's Sunday night and your boy is holding it down dog sitting Murray of the Jungle for KOTJ so him and his lioness can enjoy a night at the beach for their birthdays.
Then the Giants beat down the Cowboys.
The life of SS is a mysterious siren indeed, but that MoFo always keeps it JAF, Jackal as Fuck.
Baleeve it.
Shit, did Scar Shoulders just post giving himself props? Can you even do that?
That's Scar Shoulders fool! He can do whatever he wants! Respect thy gangsta!!
Backspacer is good shit

Nonetheless, Pearl Jam's new album, Backspacer is damn good even if it is short as hell. (36 mins) I think they did that on purpose instead of filling it up with useless tracks to get a "full LP"....see self titled Pearl Jam or Vitalogy as testament to the absurdness of this approach. So each track is good as hell. Thanks to Brendan O'Brien who also produced, Yield among others (Nuggets and I will agree it is probably their best album)) the shit is just right.
Friday, September 18, 2009
JOTD: Steve McQueen (again) OG JACKAL

Ball DEEP Attempts a BMR stream of conscienceness post

Megan Fox is hot and so is Taylor Hicks and a few other of those Hollywood chicks but they are really annoying.
I love the Redskins. I really hope they beat Coach Spags and the shitty ass Rams at home. I wish I could be there with Pontius and Nuggets a.k.a. voicemail to see it in person.
I think that I was wrong about the Health care debate. I am with Head now. Let's go ahead and get that sorted out OK gov't? That would be ggreeeeaaaatt. Mkay?
I have wheels for sale on craigslist.
I am not sure who to root for this weekend because I starting to hate the Giants equal to the Cowboys....but I still hate the Cowboys more. I think I just answered that. Maybe I'll just root for (H)Romo and (BOY)Manning to get carried out in stretchers hand in hand.
I am going to start eating better and not drinking as much beer. Well probably not but it is the thought that counts right?
"Vanilla Ice Platinum? That shit's ridiclous " - Phife Dog
I wonder what Ralph Machio is up to these days? And Mr Miyagi for that matter...
Mancation 2010, let's get serious. When, Where, who???
I love Oskar Blues beer. Except the scottish ale crap. Shit sucks.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Per ScarShoulders' Request
Jackal Precaution: Chinese Wal Mart Employees Don't Fuck Around

Baleeve it. You try and take a big ass bag of fortune cookie, you're gonna get medieval repercussions. These WallyMartz employees in China are fuckin' dedicated as a mallfucker. Not sure if I'd care about my job so much as to do this. Jackals be advised...
Tags Galore: We are the fucking Greatest
Speaking of Tags...Has anyone scrolled down to read the Tags of Glory recently? They are much funnier when you read them as a (really, really ridiculously long) list.
This made me again realize that the Den surely is the shit. Well played sirs. If you haven't in a while go back and look at some of the posts that got us here. Fucking inspirational. I think I may UNF some fools at lunch because I am so infused with Jackal goodness...
Greatest/Worst Invention Ever Created
Fuck man. Shit is too easy. And way too addictive. And they got a button to buy shit on there? Who knew that Bishop Lamont and Black Milk made a collab that is sick as fuck called Caltroit? Not me, but I do now and I need to buy it.
Who knew People Under the Stairs and Psyche Origami were a mix between Dr Dre and a Tribe Called Quest? I didn't but I sure am about to buy those CD's too.
Your boy Shoulders just picked up a $30 a week buy obscure CD habit... Fuck my wallet.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
JOTD: O.J. Brigance Doing the Brigance Dance « Baltimore Ravens Blogs
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Hard to believe 9 years ago this guy was ripping ScarShoulders' team a new one and now he can hardly speak or control his movement.
P.S. 400 posts. Baleeve ma.
R.I.P. Jackal - Dalton
R.I.P. Dalton. You will be missed.
"Take out the trash, Cooler!"
You gotta love that the blind dude keeps playin' the blues while they are throwin' down in this scene.
Cowboy karate: Round house in a road doesn't get much more jackal than that.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Ghetto Ass Names I HATE Brought To My Attention By The NFL
I"m sure this post could be construed as racist, but the following names are as bothersome to me as traffic on 495/DC Beltway, being asked for free tickets to Merriweather or responding to "knock knock" texts from FetusFace:
Knowshon Moreno
Tramon Williams
Cadillac Williams
Craphonso Thorpe
Marcedes Lewis
D'brickashaw Ferguson
Deshawn Jackson
Deshawn Stevenson
Santonio Holmes
I am exhausted trying to come up with these, so I'll take it you get my point. I'm thinking there's a Craphonso or Tramon on this bus, but who can be sure?
On a far more frustrating note, it was brought to my attention that Chris Martin(lead singer of Coldplay) and Gwyneth Paltrow named their daughter, Apple. And I heard Nicole Richie named her son Sparrow Midnight, which I would call deplorable, but I think that's understating the situation's severity.
That was easy...
I look forward to my Jameson the next time I see you Mr Ball Deep.
You mess with the bull you get the horns my friend.
Baleeve it.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Never Forget... For Real
I think that we should all be vigilant with our values and rights as Americans, and not forget the lives of so many who came before us and died, to preserve those rights and Freedoms that define the United States of America and its people.
In closing, I will be visiting NYC around Nov. 14, and any local peeps up there, I invite to join me in doing this at Ground Zero.
Ball DEEP Can Taste Victory Already

Ewwww! Really?!?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Hilarious Unnoticed Political Scandal of Yesterday
She wears little eye-patch underwear, so I can see her eye patches. So, the other day she came here with her underwear, Thursday. And so, we had made love Wednesday, a lot. And so she'll she's all, I am going up and down the stairs and you're dripping out of me. So messy.I love this quote by a local staffer:
So I am getting into spanking her… Yeah, I like it… I like spanking her. She goes, I know you like spanking me, I said yeah, that's 'cause you're such a bad girl.
Their relationship is the worst-kept secret in Sacramento. He's old and fat. She's hot, blonde and about 20 years younger. He could have never gotten a woman like that before he got this job.Ah, the life of a politician. And to make matters worse, he then resigns, but says:
I want to make it clear that my decision to resign is in no way an admission that I had an affair or affairs. My offense was engaging in inappropriate story-telling and I regret my language and choice of words. The resulting media coverage was proving to be an unneeded distraction to my colleagues and I resigned in the hope that my decision would allow them to return to the business of the state.Seriously - that's his excuse. "I am not an adulterer! I am a liar! (But I'm not lying now!)"
Hilarious. Good luck with the crappy-ass life you have left fatty Duvall...
Shouldaz, Where You At?
GCOTD: Drew Stevyns (a.k.a. Andrew Petrowski)
For those of you that don't know what the hell I am talking about, you probably won't care, but I thought it only fair to post here for comments.
You really should watch this one, not only did I tear up from lameness of "Drew Stevyns" (sounds like a porn name), but it is quite funny to watch Don't Hassle the Hoff talk not drunk, with a shirt on, and without a burger hanging from his mouth (a.k.a. getting awesome) knowing that millions have seen him in that state.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Boogerdamus: Steelers Miss the Playoffs
GCOTD: Nancy Pelosi

Jackal Proposition: Sarah Palin/Ann Coulter make-out session
If you have some time today and aren't boiling with frustration over the "healthcare debate" a.k.a. tires spinning in mud that is the American political system, check out what the near vice president has to say about beaureacratizing our current system and how it won't be good for the American economy.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Jack Del Rio, Catchy name, snazzy threads.
The Naga (Bhut) Jolokia Pepper

What the fuck did I do? I cant get this fucking hyperlink off here.
Anyways, I have acquired 3 of these, they are currently in cold storage in my fridge. I get freaked out, and just a little bit excited, looking at them. Anybody want to get drunk with me, and throw one in a pot of chili?
I am terrified of having these in the house, and don't know what to do with them. Should I just jackal up and house 1, or feed some to unsuspecting people at parties later? Maybe both. I will follow up if I grow some baby nuts and deal with these.
GCOTD: Any Pittsburgh Steeler, but How About This One in Particular?
Monday, September 7, 2009
Jackal Update: ACC Sucks at Football
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Scar Shoulders Presents: Know Your Terps, Kenny Tate Edition
Friday, September 4, 2009
"Yeah, you make good comments...but they typically give those jobs to, you know, ex-ballplayers and...professional broadcasters"
"tanya snyder's vajayjay is fourteen degrees celsius "
as are many of the other one's you have added as labels. Keep 'em comin' Boog.
Dan Snyder Go Asleep: Response
Let's get back to the good 'ol days. Clinton Portis, shut up and beat Riggins record, Hayneworth, break Eli Manning in two, Zorn, Hip hip..Super Bowl, come on were ready. 18 years is long enough to wait. Get your shit together and win. Split the division rival games, beat AFC West, Beat NFC South 10-6 playoffs... Balleeeevvvee it.

As far as the ticket holders, I dont feel bad for them at all. Season tickets are damn expensive and a luxury. I had them for one year and it was tough. Payment plans to help you stay a season ticket holder is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. Get the fuck out if you can't pay. Maybe if there werent so many assholes drawing down their home equity and credit cards to get season tickets, prices would go down and availability would go up. A brotha would like to watch the game without needing binocks and shit.