Alright, you are trapped in an elevator with 2 other scrimps. You have been trapped for 5 hours. It is getting toward lunchtime, and you are hungry. You meet eyes with the only other man in the elevator, and make a motion towards the plump chick crying in the corner.
What part do you eat first? Personally, I think the biceps/triceps area would taste delicious, maybe like wings, if you could cook them, but chewy and satisfying if you had to eat it raw. List your choice cuts.
Also, the video above balances my hatred of Chris Matthews anti-american bashing by bashing the GOP, I guess. I just like to see people shoot elephants.
Whats this? An informed, armed, patriot, who doesn't make a fool of himself on tv, despite Matthews' hardon for hating guns , the 2nd Amendment, and America? Sounds pretty Jackal to me. Listen to Matthews keep pressing on, despite this Jackal's rational thoughts and reasons to protest.
Oh yeah, the quote from TJ was, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Sorry for the pol. post, but this guy did handle himself pretty good, in the face of obvious liberal bias (fair and balanced, right, just like Fox). Feel free to email me to discuss more or to tell me to stf up. Or in BMR's case, to ninja ninja ninja be talking craka ninja ninja youre a terrorist ninja ninja this is change i voted for ninja ninja ninja it dont stop it just contin-ue ninja.
Next one will be about the best part of a human to eat if you were forced (or your wife didn't buy groceries and you were just really hungry) to go jackal and dine on some "long pork" as they called it back in pirate times.
After driving around for about a year without a/c I really miss that shit. Especially driving to a job interview and I be rolling w/tha pit stains. Maybe I should ninja rig something up like this?
Ok, so what is it about beach resorts, lakes and shit that they are so fucking relaxing? ...obviously water is a common thread here but what is it with water? Ok, we are 80% water, ok...we hanged out for 9 months under water ...ok...