Yeah, I've been listening to Five Guys banter for over a year now and I was led to believe it was the best dining establishment for obliterating hunger since Chipotle. I heard about numerous NoVa escapades with SS and Ol' Filthy being born again at the hands of ground cow and potato slices. I was told, "Oh, the little burger is plenty..." and "They fill the bag of fries to the brim!" I was optimistic. Why shouldn't I be? Since when does SS lead a jackal astray? Never. Little cheeseburger, fries and a Coke. What's the damage, BMR? Nine fucking dollars and thirty two cents!?!?! Can I have a fucking blow job with my burger and fries? Am I a fucking skrimp? Is that burger constituted of ground filet mignon? Boycott starts now, Five Guys. Your prices are bullshit. If I had felt particularly hungry, would I have broken the ten dollar threshold? For a fucking burger? I hate you. SS, you led a jackal astray. BD2x, you had a Five Guys post at one point or another, why didn't you explain this to a jackal? I will defer to the drawing below to summarize:
CTB Show 522: The Joke of Baltimore
3 days ago