Pardon me, suh, but could you spare some more details about your Big Fat Greek Vacation? I can only fantasize about the luxuries you and your Mrs. are "dabbling" in. I'm drawing out of my savings to pay my rent, chasing down $800 because it makes or breaks(right now it's breaking) my summer, working part time when I get a day off, only guy in my office not taking a vacation this summer(in-fucking-cluding interns! hot and unattractive alike), so your post was effortless, not funny, not "worldly", essentially all it accomplished was displacing my previous, funnier, Den-rejuvenating post. So thanks for that. Way to contribute fodder. P.S. get the Original BD, Rusty T., whatever his fuckin' name is on the list of contributors. He's putting in work. I'm really depressed by the amount of fantasy rosters he has, but I think he might have earned some posting rights. Him and Tico should do a tandem! SS, go fuck yourself!