All I heard through the Address to Congress was the following:
"FIRST! hall....SECOND!...Ted Kennedy...blah...blah...blah...$900 Billion...blah...blah...blah...won't cost taxpayers any justice...blah...blah...blah...I STILL BALLEEVVE WE CAN DO GREAT THINGS!...THAT IS OUR CHARACTER!"
What the fuck are you serious?? How the fuck are you going to pay for it? Just print some more Benjamin's? Cash for Clunkers wasn't supposed to cost the taxpayers money either.
Oops, never saw that coming.
And what is with the MLK impersonation? "I STILL BALLEEVVEE" and shit. What the fuck is that? I love you Obama, but this shit is getting out of hand. I don't think we are going to get this fixed anytime soon based on the reaction of the 'Publican 'Mericans. "I'm not clapping for na na...nana....naaaa"
Pick a battle. The War, Healthcare, the environment, the economy, foreign affairs. Fix one, THEN move onto the next thing. Dude is trying to do everything at once. That is what chicks do. We are not chicks Obama. We are jackals...THAT IS OUR CHARACTER!
PS Psst! President Obama, we are still in a recession.