..............and Kangaroo Taxes go hand and hand. Baked beans are going to cost $50 soon and your fine Senator from MD, Boogers McRib, is gonna be taxing you an extra $10 a can so you don't consume too many.
If you can afford to scrape together enough money to buy some beans despite the hefty prices you'll still have to dole out a few more dollars before you are done. Oh yes, Boogers is serious about his carbon tax you see. Don't fart or you'll pay. And if you don't pay he'll have his buddy Malawi lock you up when you break wind.
You accused me of being "long-winded" my friend and well you might just be right. But if this is so, then it must follow that you are full of shit.
I am eating Mexican bean dip as we talk of which the main ingredient is baked beans. And shortly hereafter I will be farting so if you smell something funny down there in Capitol Town it might be our tax-happy elected representatives or it might just be a ALASKAN FART aimed in your general direction!!!