Before this gets too far along, BMR has to set the record straight. I don't have a written statement, but I'd like to recount, for the Den's good and conscious consideration, an exchange I had some weeks back with our boy, one University of Maryland College Park Terrapin Alumnus, Voicemail. I was attending a Wild Card Playoff game/bluegrass-inspired hoot-en-anny, erstwhile, the Terps were suiting up for a wee bit of the heave ho on the hardcourt for their first in-conference matchup with FSU's 'Noles. BMR was fixin' to see how his boys would fare, not an alumnus at all, but a true Maryland sports fan - Ravens/O's/Terps/Caps/eh hem, Wizards, but consistent as a mawlfucker. My question was posed to our good lad, VM, "Are we gonna throw this Terps game on?" BMR inquired. "They suck yo,"(or something akin) was VM's retort. At some point thereafter dude ran on about some character from Georgetown and 'did I see that game last week?' of course to which your real live jackal BMR exhaled with a "pffft", as in 'fuck yo' shit' or 'Georgetown, I hate yo' sorry ass'. We caught bits and pieces, but a majority of the second half didn't make it to the screen. BMR was on an island. VM, is this to say you've worked so long at your [undisclosed employer] and fogotten what it's like to be here?Georgetown isn't doing shit. Rock the red, yo.
CTB Show 522: The Joke of Baltimore
3 days ago