Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Boogerdamus: Steelers Miss the Playoffs

I was extremely shocked when ESPN opened wide and unanimously crowned the Pittsburgh Steelers 2010 Super Bowl Champions without playing a snap. They're in for a shit storm I tell you. My birds lost fair and square three times, I'm not on here to take away from last year. I'm just going on the record, right now. Steelers miss the playoffs. Book it. Kerry Collins is scared like a mother fucker when it comes to the Baltimore Ravens, but I am guaranteeing, yes, jackal on record, guaranteeing a Tennessee victory in Shittsburgh tomorrow. Book it, Danno. Call your bookie. Open the book and read them pages. 10-6, I got a little carried away with the whole 9-7 thing, but no playoffs. Boogerdamus has spoken.


  1. Go Titans. I am so sick of the fake ass Steeler bandwagoners up here...

  2. Close....but no cigar.

    consolation prizes: Paoamalu injured, heinz Ward fumbled to push the game into OT and looked like he was going to cry.

    I am glad we play AFC West this year b/c both of these teams are legit.

  3. hahahahaha, Ball Deep is looking at the Skins schedule like it matter. Dude, 8-8, best case scenario for your boys.
