A few weeks ago, during Obama's big speech on health care before a joint session of Congress, Ball Deep
went a little nuts and started freaking out about the effect of health care reform on the deficit, at which point I had to
smack him down with a little economic knowledge.
But today there's some good news for Mr. Deep, not to mention basically everyone else out there - the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has scored the Senate Financial Services bill and
found the following:
- The plan will cover 29 million people who would otherwise have been uninsured.
- Only 3 million people will be removed from private health insurance.
- 5 million fewer people will use the individual insurance market, the source of a lot of the current horror stories.
- 29 million legal residents will have have insurance who would otherwise not have.
- 245 million people will be basically unaffected.
- It will not add to the federal deficit.
In other words, Mr. Deep, you can have your cake and eat it too. This is far from the perfect bill in my mind - it doesn't
include a public option, there are still a lot of
fucked up incentives that will need to be corrected, and I would much rather just go to a single payer system like every other developed nation. But it's a hell of an improvement. And to everyone out there who called this
pretty ideologically centrist effort socialism or a government takeover or wasteful spending, here are some words of advice: go find a new hobby. Because your attempts to fuck up the country in your spare time because of paranoid fear and ill-thought-out ideology is pretty fucking annoying to the rest of us.
In other political news, it looks like Schubert and I
have the right idea. Now the rest of you, move to the dirty south - you'll be able to buy a house without bankrupting yourself AND we'll be able to live in a Democratic paradise!