Monday, June 22, 2009

If you're a dude, and your name is a reference to one of the dumbest slits, yes slits, ever to smear popular culture, you're a fuckin' douche. If blogging is your profession, correction, if blogging about TMZish content is your profession, you're essentially the T1000 of gay clones. You morph and shiftshape into gay clone status, just in case you've been gay too long to have had a fair chance to see Terminator 2: Judgment Day, an extremely jackal film, in which the lone setback, is the fact that the douchebag director cast his hermaphrodite lesser half in the supporting role.

Don't be misguided, I hate the Black Eyed Peas as much as this pile driver did at 4am the other night, but you're a Bloggarazzi. On OUR blog, we'll pretend you weren't crying and sweating your fat gay ass off, but you're sporting the latest urine and feces from your pals at the Jackals Den.

Feeling like a total Fag after that last post.

Here is something to bring you back from the gayness, I just unleashed on the den from that last post.  My bad Jackals, there is nothing jackal in the prior post aside from the guy saying baleeve it.  Feel free to make fun of me and call me a gay clone, etc. etc.  Oh yeah and the dude from Live is the gay clone of the day.  Man do they eat a whole bag of dicks.

Finding Jackals in a Unjackal Place...Or maybe I'm an Iampieri


Here is a excerpt from the article I posted. It was about the Bachelorette. (I know not jackal in the least.) My wife was watching it, I was in the room on the computer and I overheard that there was a dude on there that was faking being in love with the chick so that he could promote his musical career. It was wrong and I am sorry for thinking it was Jackal. But hearing him saying he had this chick wrapped around his finger, pausing and then saying Balleeeve it in a southern accent got me all fired up.

"I'm gettin' excited. This is fun. I've got records to sell...I'll always have
Jillian wrapped around my little finger, y'all....Believe it.""

Sensi Ball Deep vs Anti-Sensi Ball Deep

"Ah you have no idea of the magnitude of this thing. If Reggae is allowed to infiltrate this world, then Anti-Sensi Ball Deep as you know him, Ceases to Exist! You see, right now, I have Anti-Sensi Ball Deep, but there is also Sensi Ball Deep. That's the Ball Deep you know, the Ball Deep you grew up with -- Movie Ball Deep , Coffee shop Ball Deep , Manor Woods Ball Deep , Mancation Ball Deep."
"I love that Ball Deep."
"Me Too! And he's Dying! If Sensi Ball Deep, walks through this door, he will Kill Anti-Sensi Ball Deep! A Ball Deep, divided against itself, Cannot Stand!"
I currently listen to Reggae more than any other kind of music. I freaking love it. I am not Rastafarian and I don't like to smoke weed. As a matter of fact, I believe ganja is just as bad as booze as far as destroying motivation maybe worse because at least with booze you realize you are being a dumbass. When your stoned you think you make MORE sense, which in most cases couldn't be farther from the truth. So the point of this am I a poser? Or is good music, good music regardless of the message?

Freak out the squares music

I was washing my car a few weeks ago and uncovered a CD that I hadn't heard in some time. I preceded to play this track as loud as my stereo would go with all the windows open, as it is required to do because it is amazing and that's how Jackals roll. My neighbor didn't seem to pleased and has avoided me since this incident, which means he respects thy gangsta.

"It's all about the game, dine, the whole nine...champagne, cocaine, earrangs...the whole shabang..."