Wednesday, July 15, 2009

JOTD: Gary Busey

Me and Gary should get together and go bowling. All kinds of jackal points for this dude reppin' the UNF in Point Break. We all know he wanted to fuck Keanu up the whole time for being colossally douchebaggish. It does suck he had to get threaded up like that at the airport. And to think, it was all for Tank Girl. Lori Petty looked a lot like a little boy in Point Break, I'm just saying. This dude is so flippin' jackal, he got short with an eleven year old girl. If you see any Busey today, make it this and then ask yourself how GB got where he is. So if you're flickin' fecal today or just pissin' on shit and ninjas, feel free to do the ol' squeeze and shiver for Mr. Busey, because he probably thinks his urine is and evil liquid that's trying to kill him... and, Fetus Face, take it away with tales of Jackal grandeur and fountains of vaginas.

Fret not my Jackals...We are Not Alone

Step aside scrimps.  It appears the Jackals of the world continue to keep it real while we carry on with our mudane lives.  (Why yes that is a baby monitor in my pocket.)

Fetus Face? How long must we wait?

Still waiting for those jackalish details. Whenever you're ready...


I know a jackal hasn't been pulling his weight around here, but times are tough at the job right now. Crazy busy and trying to get my focus back instead of fucking around in the den all day. But don't think for a minute this jackal is not repping hard as a muthafucka on the mean streets of Newark. Nice work to everyone keeping it going. I'll be back...BAALLLEEEVEE ITT!!!

Fuck your Gay Clones! Jackal of the Day, Motherfucker-The Raving Homeless Lunatic on My Walk To Union Station

Now this isn't a picture of the Jackal of the Day, but damn, I gotta get one on here. This guy is amazing. He's rifling through cigarettes, his voice is extremely raspy from the smoke. What takes our Jackal of the Day to another howling level is the way he constantly speaks. He greets everyone that walks by and some people he remembers and they remember him. Just this morning:
"...Happy Wednesday! How's the new grandbaby?"
"Fine," a middle aged woman passing at a brisk pace, so brisk in fact, she had less time to answer him than the very short amount of time it took this crazy dude to remember her face and remember she had a new grandchild.
He continues to rant and never seems to stop for a breath. If you ever want to meet a full blown crazy man, stop by the Exxon on Massachussetts right by the Courthouse. Pick this guy's brain for a little bit. I haven't yet, I'm fucking scared of this bastard. And, Fetus Face, if you could put the dick wetness on hold for just a minute, the Den would love to hear about all the bitches and awesome gettingness and what not... whenever you're ready.

P.S. KOTJ, I got your next Mancation hairstyle...RIGHT OVA' HEEE