Wednesday, February 24, 2010

GCOTD: Pontius



to BD2, BMR, SS(notice no CQ99, who also loves to 'Reply All', but apparently Pontius needs to stay on his good side)
show details 8:14 PM (1 hour ago)

Please hold off on this shit(Please 'Reply All' as much as you can). I don't have the time or the patience (if you do 'Reply All', I will continue to solidify my clone status). There are a lot of diferent groups on here (everyone on this email chain knows what a wet blanket I am already), and the inside jokes don't translate well/get old quick when you're not in on them (how am I supposed to be funny if you guys keep upstaging the fuck out of me?). That all said, can't wait to see you all, it's been to long (I can't wait to sit back and watch you three jackals have a blast while I judge you silently).

Sent from my iPhone (aka conveyed smugness without the need to type)

Begin forwarded message:

GCOTD Movie Edition: Cop Out

So it is possible to have a movie trailer composed entirely of famous quotes from other movies that DON'T completely suck ass.