Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fuck this shit: Legion,

I'd like to introduce a new segment called "Fuck this shit".  Basically exactly the same sentiments expressed in the GCOTD except it relates to a place or thing versus a person.  

Today's installment is about the latest shit nugget from Hollywood's anus, the new movie "Legion".  Don't waste your time watching the youtube clip chances are unfortunately you have seen it before in some other shitty form.  CGI, unscary kids, religious overtones, armageddon theme, shitty acting, Dennis Quaid, Tyrese, explosions, etc. etc. It is all bullshit. Please join in the movement of refusing to watch this refuse and hopefully it will go away or at least be made in another language so that Americans will be unable to watch it because they will have to read.

Think I am exaggerating?

Here are just a few more examples of how fucking shitty movies are these days.

I blame all this shit on video gamers...ya bastards. "Dude District 9 on Xbox is gonna be sick bro!"

Sweet mother of Anubis

What feature did I just discover????