I have eaten a pussy size piece of a habanero pepper- and it instantly made me break out with the flop sweats and my tongue went numb instantly. The habanero avgs 200,000-300,000 Scoville units. This bitch puts that to shame, with a new, 2007 Guinness World record for hottest chili pepper. It avgs around 1,000,000 Scoville units of capscaisin. By comparison - Tobasco sauce is around 2500-5000 Scoville units.
Anyways, I have acquired 3 of these, they are currently in cold storage in my fridge. I get freaked out, and just a little bit excited, looking at them. Anybody want to get drunk with me, and throw one in a pot of chili?
I am terrified of having these in the house, and don't know what to do with them. Should I just jackal up and house 1, or feed some to unsuspecting people at parties later? Maybe both. I will follow up if I grow some baby nuts and deal with these.
Troy is about the gayest fuckin' name I've ever heard. This commercial had better pay well. If cutting your hair is against your religion, you might be GAF.