Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bizarro BD2: Jackal?

Bizarro BD2 is still at work. The jury is out on how much jackaldom he alone can amass. Does Bizarro BD2 realize that he's wasting his 'Another Youtube From Ball Deep' 's on that wayward solo-blog? 600 posts and jackaling it up with each calendar day, the Jackals Den is reaching far and wide. It would be preposterous to fathom Plompton headquartering one of the most jackal blogs ever assembled. Bizarro BD2 couldn't do it alone. He could of course be rallying a battalion of jackals the likes of which the Den has never seen. I speak of the elusive Droppa Deuce, Tubby Time, Chuna Tuna or maybe EFPB3. In the interest of keeping things in the Den JAF here is a complimentary link to a slide show of a lingerie fashion show (see arrows at the bottom to peruse).

GCOTD: Lane Kiffin

Tennessee takes a chance on a young, unproven coach, busy him the highest paid set of assistants in history (including his dad as defensive coordinator), and sticks with him through a series of high-profile public gaffes, and what do they get in return?

ONE year later, after a 7-5 record, he bolts for USC, a program that may be facing NCAA sanctions in the near future. In other words, Lane Kiffin is one snuke-sized douchebag.

On the other hand, Tennessee fired their home-grown, national championship-winning coach, Phil Fulmer, one year after going to the SEC Championship so they could hire a brash, unproven replacement. Then they handed his staff more money than Fulmer ever got. So maybe they got what they deserved.

Shote Sleeves, I know you've got something to say about this...

Anyway, I'll take heart in the fact that VT gave the Kiffin-at-Tennessee era the send-off it deserved and that a local store is somehow turning this mess into something meaningful to the rest of the world.

Cable News, Get Some Lube. You're About To Get Fucked

Who's ready to throw up in their own mouth on a nightly basis?