Jackals, wise frum your gwabe. Y'all been skrimptastic, sleepy ass jackals. You just had a week or more to jackalize yourselves for a new calendar year and if you used all of that time to get awesome, you're on the right track.
So check it, BD2 is multiplying exponentially up in the Garden State. He's had to keep his jackalness to a low howl and that takes a toll on a ninja. Rusty T. Bonez played host to some jackals and that was some real shit, although Head decided he was a little too cool for school. Shote Sleeves, good lookin' out. Way to rep South Cakalacky fo' a jackal. For being nearly silent, Rusty's boy Lucas keeps it kind of jackal. Then there was billhicksmostfunny, whew. That cracka done drove a fucking continent to represent. "How long did it take you, billhicksmostfunny?" bhmf replied, "'bout 3 or 4 days." 3 or 4 days?!? What the fuck? Who drives for days on end? That's a crazy cracka.
So, bhmf, feel free to offer up your digs as the site where we praise Anubis for all of his greatness and soil our livers with liters of booze and feast upon pounds of scorched animal flesh. We shall hike and howl and burn a great many things, possibly for walking over.
I have rambled in great detail, but it was BD2 that made this most excellent of calls. This spring, we mancation. Not to the 'Mortal Kombat'-laden bosom of the Black Bear Chalet, but into the sweet, warm folds of nature's ham wallet. BD2 has called for the jackals to convene in the forests of Appalachia. HOOOOWWWWLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!