Friday, March 8, 2013

RTB'S Friday Hottie- Rand(y) Paul

Yeah , thats right. I did that shit.

Sorry, but I got full wood for a guy who was calling out the bamanitors plan for skynet to happen, basically by hisself.
You think Virginia IRS agents, whoops, I mean revenue producing traffic dicks, dolt!, I mean law enforcement officers are dicks now, wait till they have MQ-9 Reapers and Predators patrolling the skies for you doing 69mph in a 65mph zone, let alone you doing anything else, on  your own "private property".

Drones don't respect private property from the air.

Sure, now we have assurance the president doesn't have authority to kill an "unarmed" American citizen on US soil, but that still isn't much.

Creeping incrementalism.

Skynet is here.

Thanks for being a lone voice in the wilderness Mr. Paul.


But in the spirit of friday hotties- here are a few robot sluts-