Thursday, September 17, 2009

GCOTD: Gilbert Arenas

The NBA is the Gay Clone of the Decade, but fuck this guy.


  1. what did I miss? Why is he a gay clone?

  2. Whoa. Fuck Arenas? Fuck you Boogers McRib. Agent 0 is a man of the people. You ask him a question and he answers it. He doeen't bullshit anyone. Yeah he makes mistakes because he's being honest but who doesn't. Way off base on this one my friend. And he called coach K an asshole and said he wanted the Wizards to scrimmage Duke and he wanted ot beat them by 100 points. Ease off the sticky icky holmes.

  3. "If you have a kid that loves basketball, that eats, sleeps, drinks and thinks basketball and all he knows is basketball and he gets hurt and he's your franchise player, you need to hold him back from himself. If I'm saying I feel good and you know it's supposed to take six months, instead of letting me at four months run ... they should have held me back. Rather than saying, 'Let's let this guy do what he wants and use him to sell tickets' - sometimes you have to protect players from themselves. I don't feel like I got that type of protection. But, I don't judge them for that. Some things just happen. I told them I felt OK because I wanted to play, and they did what they did." -sincerely yours, GCOY
    Use him to sell tickets? The guy who told his teammates to take a dive and go for a first rounder. Protect him from himself? Wizards repeatedly told him to take more time. Fuck this guy. Let him go to Chicago. The Wizards are destined to suck ass. Scrimmaging a division one college team is not my idea of balls. Everyone says Coach K is an asshole. Big fuckin' deal. At least he wins as a coach. What did team USA do before that demon took over? A whole lot of suck with the players they had. Fuck Arenas. Fuck the NBA.

  4. Whoa. You just gave props to Coach K. As if coaching had anything to do with anything when the best players in the NBA were on the team as opposed to the 3rd rate "All Stars" they had been trotting out there the last 10 years. You've crossed the line from calling someone a gay clone to being a gay clone yourself. Whoa.

  5. I did refer to him as 'that demon', hate Duke very much. Shoulders, all seriousness, defend what Arenas said. What was he suggesting that was rational/valid? How did the Terps do this weekend?

  6. "3rd rate "All Stars" they had been trotting out there the last 10 years." I can't do the research, today, but who bumped them out of international competition? Greece? Spain? European basketball had their number. Our "3rd rate All Stars" should be able to handle FIBA.

  7. What he is saying that the doctors should not have been yes men and let him rush back because they wanted him for the start of the season. It's odd for him to say it but he's right. Just because he was willing to kill himself to get back on the court doesn't mean the team shoudl let him.

    Lets get hypothetical. Lets say Joe Flacco pulls a muscle in his shoulder patting himself on the back for having 2 good games. Lets say the doctors say "you shouldnt throw for 4 weeks for the muscle to fully heal". Lets say 2 weeks into it Flacco is ready to throw again. Do you want him throwing or do you want him to wait the full 4 weeks? The full four weeks right? And if the team lets him work out after two and he really hurts himself and misses the whole year whose fault is it? Both the team and Flacco right? Same thing, just sounds odd coming out of the actual players mouth.

    Terps talk was a low blow. Low fucking blow...

  8. Wizards told him to take his time. Gilbert was the one in a hurry. If the Terps didn't completely suck ass at football, I suppose you could construe my comments as "low blows". Until they deserve to set foot on the field, and their quarterback doesn't resemble Brain Krakow from 'My So Called Life', Terps talk will continue. Joe Flacco doesn't have to pat himself on the back when the head coach, offensive coordinator, franchise HOF middle linebacker, running backs and receiving corps are doing it for him.
