Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jackal Prophecy Fulfilled: Jackals See the Light

Jackals don't say "I told you so". That's not what this is about. It's about a free exchange of ideas and high velocity fecal and urine. My Jackals, as you stretch and yawn from your summer hibernation, be sure to keep your heads on their respective swivels. Bitch juice guzzlers are gunnin' your jackal ass day and night. Ouzo is not that bad by the second glass. I'll post tomorrow about how I feel at my 6:30am studio taping. I just wanted to say it was a long time coming, but I think haters/ninjas/doubters/eli's, whatever you want to call them, are starting to recognize the brute force that is, the Jackals Den. DO NOT SLEEP!

Gay Clone of the Day: Burress Giant Loser

Once again Creed's My Own Prison applies to one of my posts. Good Lord is Creed GAF. Almost as fucking gay as Burress shooting himself in a club and now going to Federal pound me in the ass prison for 2 years for it. As the Simpson's bully so poignantly says: HA!HA!

Here is what GAF Eli Manning had to say about it:

"duh....duh....I beat Paayyton eatin' Oreos twice...duh"