Thursday, September 17, 2009

Greatest/Worst Invention Ever Created

Fuck man. Shit is too easy. And way too addictive. And they got a button to buy shit on there? Who knew that Bishop Lamont and Black Milk made a collab that is sick as fuck called Caltroit? Not me, but I do now and I need to buy it.

Who knew People Under the Stairs and Psyche Origami were a mix between Dr Dre and a Tribe Called Quest? I didn't but I sure am about to buy those CD's too.

Your boy Shoulders just picked up a $30 a week buy obscure CD habit... Fuck my wallet.


  1. pandora is blocked at my office a few months ago. I think management realized how great it was and how little work we did when we had it. I miss it dearly...

    pour out a lil jackal juice for me.

  2. God that better not happen. I am 2 hours in and can't live without it. Jackal Juice poured.

  3. NPR was doing a series on 'best summer song' and this one lady called in and talked about hearing a song come on the radio. When you had a favorite song, you had to wait for a DJ to hook you up like a crack dealer. I tried to imagine how much that would suck, but I couldn't. Music is the shit. Sorry your taste doesn't reach beyond hip hop, Shoulders. Still, designers of Pandora need some accolades.

  4. Why would anyone do a series on best summer song?


    Can't beat it.

  5. If they need a 'bit of a break from the norm'?

  6. just a lil somethin to break the monotony...

    chillin in the car you spent all day waxin' (something, something)

    but you can't speed thru...2 miles an hour so e'rybody sees you

    GAF version of the same theme:
