Your boy BallDEEP was just flipping through the channels and happened to cross paths with Dancing with the Stars. GAF I know. I could care less..."BD2 Dancing with the stars is GAF, you're GAF, blah blah blah" Fuck you I dont care. This Nicole Shsfhhdahadkfh girl is hot as shit I couldn't turn it off. Well played indeed young lady.
Oh, what a baited firestorm of a question posed by none other than Oscar Nunez(sorry I have no squiggle to put over your 'n', Oscar, it's not a racial thing). This chick had an opinion and didn't waiver when people started booing and whatnot. I didn't post to start an immigration discussion, I just want to call jackaldom when I see it. KFTC, whoever wrote that stupid fucking question for a beauty pageant. This post would have a lot more credibility if the chick didn't look like a smoothed out Joan Rivers.
"I can tell you for a fact, he gets elected because of the very large immigrant population in Sioux City. Mostly cities are liberal. You get lots of people together and they usually find common ground. Not Sioux City. Between the Mexicans, Vietnamese, Laotian and others, the white population has gotten crazy Conservative.Seriously batshit crazy Conservative. If the so-called minorities in Sioux City registered to vote and actually did it, no way this assclown King gets elected."