Friday, July 31, 2009

Damn skippy!

Nuthin' but love headed the Garden State's way. They've abducted too many jackals. We're stretched as thin as Lindsay Caldwell up in this muthafucka'. 
The main thing, BD, my priority up in this bitch is to keep the Genesis aflame. Remember ninjas with the Italian icies, ninja? Remember stick ball? Remember knockin' ninjas out tha' box? These fools are narcoleptic, fallin' asleep at the wheel. Ninjas be like Sunny Bono on a set of Rossignols. I'm talking about apples and the proximity to the tree from whence they fell. I'm talking about pods, in which multiple peas thrive in communal harmony. Ninja, I am speaking about cloth and the cuts made from that cloth, ninja? They're the SAME CLOTH!!!

Boog and Ball DEEP Show, ALL DAY... Please balleeeve meah!

Boog, I want you to know that I am reading your posts. You, like me, may get discouraged when you come in to see "0 Comments" on the bottom of your posts that you put out there for all to enjoy. Sometimes I may not comment. It's just that I know it is just you and me holdin' shit down around here. So when you pop in the Den and see "0 Comments" on your posts that you put your hard work and thought into, it isn't that I am not present or just not replying like the rest of these thankless bastards. I just want you to know I got love for ya and your comments on life in general. Keep doing yo thing....Hold it down Blood Jackal.

JOTD: -7 through 16 holes, I don't care if you don't golf, shit is Jackal

I hate it when a team manages a dynasty, is the favorite or spends/makes astronomical amounts of money, but you're a douchebag if you don't comprehend the dominance of Teegro. I'll root for the field, but dude is jackal with a 4 Iron. Golf is fucking nuts, because you're your own opponent. You have a caddy, but adjustments, club selection, judging the wind, all of these must be made by the golfer. As far as competition on a golf course, this dude is Jackal to the bone. I can't speak for his personal life, I've never known him to be one to get awesome. I can say, without a doubt that my dog would fuck this dog up.
In the personal life makes Tiger a Jackal column, I submit his fine ass Swedish wife:
Or whatever kind of Scandinavian he managed to wrangle. It is a shame he talked her into squeezin' puppies out of there, but oh well. Can we have a simultaneous Gay Clone/Jackal of the Day? If we, do, I submit Tiger Woods as the penultimate Jackal/Gay Clone. Ball DEEP is selling his whip

If you know anyone that needs a new set of wheels, tell em to buy Ball Deep's Pu$%y-wagon:

$500 off if you are a jackal, or if your name is Steven.

Friday Hottie: Megan Good/Odette Yustman

One of the many reasons why I have watched Stomp the Yard 5 million times: Megan Good is way hot. (I am not sure why she always does the eyebrow face though.) I attempted to watch The Unborn the other night...not exactly sure why. I was able to stomach about 33 seconds before I realized it was the worst movie ever made. But scrolled through the DVD just to get a few more glances at the lovely Megan and leading role Odette Yustman. Delicious...