Can you smell it in the air? The winds of change are coming. You see the ads for Madden 10 already. You can sense the temperature about to drop. Training camps get coverage on the local news. Fantasy drafts are being planned.
Yes, football season is nigh, once again. Finally, the barren spring and summer of is over. As we gear up for todays HOF game I thought 2 things. 1- I can't wait to have my Sundays back, when I can get drunk and spend my day alone, in my den, ignoring family and friends and watching this great game.
2- Bruce Smith is/was a weak ass going wide every time d-end, I can see why you thanked the Redskins last night, just like every other end of their career, used to be good, but now you just be paid, mofo we sign, we gave you a chance to grind it out purely for you own stats and personal wealth. Good team player, asshole. I hope T.O. jumps into the stands and paralyzes the both of you somehow tonite.
Also, as a side note to BMR, - ninja ninja ninja ninja ninja jackal ninja ninja ninja jackal ninja ninja ninja Steelers ninja ninja ninja clones ninja ninja ravens ninja shitsburg ninja
2- Bruce Smith is/was a weak ass going wide every time d-end, I can see why you thanked the Redskins last night, just like every other end of their career, used to be good, but now you just be paid, mofo we sign, we gave you a chance to grind it out purely for you own stats and personal wealth. Good team player, asshole. I hope T.O. jumps into the stands and paralyzes the both of you somehow tonite.
Also, as a side note to BMR, - ninja ninja ninja ninja ninja jackal ninja ninja ninja jackal ninja ninja ninja Steelers ninja ninja ninja clones ninja ninja ravens ninja shitsburg ninja