Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Aldente Schwanz Wins!

Ball DEEP, this one is for you:

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So Aldente just edges out ScarShoulders. BD2, any of those guys look familiar?

GCOTD: NFL Power Rankings

These fuckin' things should seriously be renamed "Flavor of the Week". The Power Rankings, to me, are as insignificant as the FedEx Cup to the PGA Tour. While the FedEx Cup certainly sends a lot of coin the winners way, golfers will still be measured by majors. It's bad enough, "experts" and pundits offer their "take" on the weekly matchups, pretty much going 50-50 all season, because any fuckin' thing can happen. It's actually more GAF than fantasy football, because if you're a fan of a shitty team, at least fantasy football makes otherwise meaningless games interesting. Nevertheless, fantasy football is extremely GAF. Hearing someone bitch about how a player on their fantasy team didn't perform reminds me of a woman complaining she sat in my pee on the toilet seat or a fat person asking for an elevator. For fuck's sake, Power Rankings, go asleep.