Monday, February 1, 2010

Jackal Movies: The Proposition

Holy shit this movie is amazing.  If you even remotely like westerns watch this immediately.  It makes Tombstone seem like Twister.  (I guess Tombstone is sort of like Twister in some ways, bad example.)  
Seriously this movie rocks.  I am watching it again as soon as I process just how awesome it was which will likely take awhile because it was that awesome.  Did I mention that the lead is an Irish, skinny badass who kills Brits and Aussies for fun?  (nothing against Aussies).  Oh and did I mention it is awesome??  
This is directed by the guy who did the The Road the latest film adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's novels (most famous was No Country for Old Men...also JAF).  I was not interested in seeing that but after this I may have to make a run to the theatre.

Apocalypse How: Leave It Up To the Fuckin' Republicans

I suppose Sarah Palin needs a running mate. If this happens I will (a) cut your balls off and shove them up your ass so the next time you shit you shit all over your balls or (b) drill two holes in your dick so the next time you pee it comes out in all different directions. Barack does signify change for America, but America ain't ready to wake the fuck up and stop chewin' socks. Barack Obama is to the American presidency what the Zac Brown Band is to the Grammy's. Ba leeve it.

GCOTD: The Grammys

Good god, jesus titty-fucking, sweet merciless judah of astronomic proportions. Popular music is so fucking fucked right now, it makes the Republican party look like it has its shit together. On the slate yesterday was a stacked television line-up that featured the Capitals trying to win ten straight, the Terps going to South Cakalacky, attempting to win their fifth straight. The night cap was underdog UVA heading to Chapel Hill to kick Roy Williams in the nuts and the Pro Bowl was stacked with Dirty Birds, but instead SS and BMR watched, The Grammy's? I know marriage lands you in favorable tax situations, two incomes beat one, driving her four wheel drive during the occasional snow is pretty clutch, but this?
On CBS though, around 8pm, shit started getting way too real. Pop music is fucked.
Beyonce did kind of slut it up, which I guess is overdue. This photo is cool, because you can pretend like she's "flying solo", if you know what I'm sayin'...
Lady Gaga successfully took the Grammy's hostage and, as Mrs. SS pointed out, forced every artist, besides the country genre, to hire dozens of dancers and extras, some in riot gear, others dressed up like a Voltron boom box or a bad guy from Power Rangers, but the one guy from the Black Eyed Peas had a rubber mask that made him look like 'The Gimp' from Pulp Fiction.

You know BMR's disclaimers are fuckin' legit. This clip of the Black Eyed Peas is not for the faint at heart. There is so much about the Black Eyed Peas that sucks, I can't begin to discuss it in this post. Stay tuned for GCOTD: Black Eyed Peas, coming soon, my team of researchers is working around the clock to bring that post to you.

SS did well and called the only artist that didn't completely suck balls. If you make it to the end of this Zac Brown tune, the "America, America" at the beginning is the worst part, but you'll actually see a Grammy nominee/winner who plays an instrument, realizes people are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan and gives them DAP, I'm guessing who also writes songs(good songs, Taylor Swift, you fucking cunt!) and there's a wicked flatpick guitar solo at the 4:40 mark if you last that long.