Thursday, July 9, 2009

Friday Hottie: Vintage Chicks - Jenny McCarthy

I remember a time when Hollywood used to have a thing called hot chicks.  They didn't do anything except be hot.  Now we have all these broads trying to talk, act in movies, even provide opinions about things.  (excluding Megan Fox, she seems to understand that the less she says the better.)  

But, I have been racking my brain trying to think of someone to use as the Friday Hot chick, and I can't think of anyone current so I am going back to a simpler time when dumb hot chicks were just that dumb and hot.

I had this poster on my wall back in middle school.  Actually I had all four of these posters on my wall. 

Is it just me or is she a hotter version of someone we went to high school with? (This someone broke up with her to make out with Schubert's farm animals...rhymes with Mavisphere.) 

I have to say looking at these now she is not all that hot but I guess at 13 I would have had different standards.  Plus now she is married to Jim Carrey who is as unfunny as she is now un-hot. Getting old blows.

Boogers owned this on cassette...I'm just sayin'

How Much and How Much

How much would it take for you to get this tattoo ACTUALLY on your body??

How much would you pitch in to see a fellow Jackal get this tattoo??

Let the comments commence!!!!


Do you guys think the White House is accepting applications for interns? Way to keep it jackal, Barack.
Think DC's Metro is fucked up? I can tell you that wreck made my commute to work a whole lot shittier. Fuck this guy and fuck the Red Line for sodomizing my mornings and nights.

This would be awesome....if BMore doesn't Fuck it up

Gratuitous Danica Patrick shot (Indy car case you live in a cave.)

Even if you don't know or care what Indy Racing is all about. 750hp race cars driving down the streets of the Inner Harbor would be awesome. Think Monte Carlo for the F1 racing series, but replace models and yachts with crackheads and Coupe deVilles. Let's hope Baltimore doesn't fuck this one up...

IRL Race in Streets of Baltimore