Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hey Alec, you know what sucks about being a Baldwin?" "No, what?" "NOTHING!" hahaha

That Alec Baldwin reference from the previous post reminded me of one of the best movie scenes ever.  If you have not seen Glengarry Glen Ross do yourself a favor and watch it stat.  FUCKING CLASSIC.  If you have ever been in a sales job, or even if you just have a high pressure job, this shit is so dead on it is frightening.  This is back in the day when you could be a dick and get away with it, now jackals gotta hide underground in some blog using Brevs and aliases so they don't offend wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, co-workers, prostitutes, etc., etc.  As Alec says, hey world..."go fuck yo'self".

Jackal Movie Scene of the Day: Outside Providence

This movie is quite jackal. It has Alec Baldwin playing an excellent character who addresses his son as "Dildo". There is Amy Smart(quite delicious), a three-legged dog and a hearty batch of drug references(key to cult film classics) If you haven't watched this movie yet, do so. You'll laugh like a bastard.

Talking about little baby jackals...

My phone rang...little Linux had dial my number...I laughed "kids are cute" I thought, Mr. Head locked the phone and put a password...problem solved...five minutes later, Little Linux calling me again! The baby Jackal had exploited a vulnerability on the firmware and hacked his dad's cellphone...

So I don't know what type of chasity belt you putting on little Jackalinas out there...but baby Jackals are fucking shit up Mcguavier style

It's a boy!!!

Take that Jackals!!!