Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Heading to the Inferno that is the East Coast!

If these retards (imagine yourself a picture of some goofily dressed Mounties right here) delay me or hold me up in anyway God help them. It won't be God save the queen let me tell you. Fucking over dressed zealots. Ha ha I kid I love the mounties and I love Canada, play Neil Young every time I get to the border as a mini karmic peace offering.

So you Jackals better be getting ready to do some serious fucking camping. I know BMR is down. I know Rusty T Bone is down. Glinker's (I forget his Den moniker cause the sorry ass never posts shit, so how am I to remember?) gotta hike 50 miles on the AT I hear. Pussy. I just hope this shit happens and no one gets burnt alive or falls off the mountainside cause they are so damn intoxicated. Wouldn't want anyone to get hurt you know. Safe camping and following all the local laws and regulations is what we here at the Den are all about. Oh shit who am I kidding, I need to go pack. Procrastinated long enough.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Take this job and shove it! (till Aug. that is)

That's right, schools out, you sorry fucks. Me and Boogers got this shit on the down low. Jobs are overrated. Working is for toolboxes. If you didn't get that right, let me repeat, toolboxes. I'm looking your way RTB and Head and Tico. I know RTB works way too much. Head, you gotta have some important job with obnoxious hours and workloads. Tico I am guessing your job sucks too. If not, my bad.

So in this light, I am rolling out. Might not be on the Den too much, but I'll do my best. Other lazy Jackals need to pick their shit up and get their Den on. Oh whoops they can't comment or post nuthin cause their jobs are all demanding. Fuck y'all all y'all.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Keep Fucking That Chicken: Harold Camping

"We've always said May 21 was the day, but we didn't understand altogether the spiritual meaning," he said. "The fact is there is only one kind of people who will ascend into heaven ... if God has saved them they're going to be caught up." Camping then acknowledged he was, in fact, the inspiration for Jeff Dunham's ventriloquist alter-ego, Walter.

How fucking self-centerd can we be as a species? It's bad enough thinking that God spun all of this into motion for the good of man. So he could walk around in 'god's own image' and fuck up everything God gave him. Yeah, "It took me seven days to make you all this shit, so be sure and fuck it up real good, okay? Alright, I'll be back when you're done."
Harold Camping
You stupid fucking honkey. It won't end in October either. And if you say one goddamn thing about another miscalculation, I'm gonna dip into my 401(k), buy a plane ticket and come kick you in your 89 year-old balls. Die, fucker!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Unwarranted Celebration of the Day: BHMF

"I'd also like to hark back to a post a while back when HEAD was supporting some cockamanie economic plan. Probably QE2 or some plan O was touting to save the economy. I remember pointing out something about HYPER inflation and that is the real threat here. Fuck inflation that shit is for pussies, HYPER inflation is what we need to be worried about!!!!! Oh shit, I'm gonna buy some more ammo and seeds and booze cause its gonna be a wild ride!"

Or not:Just for reference, "hyperinflation" means an inflation rate of at least 50 percent per month, or about 13,000% annually. So just 12,998.3% to go!

If there's one thing that freaks me out about BMR's post, it's the prospect of Wall Street going all bubble with our food supply. There aren't enough good investments out there so they just prop up one market (commodities) after another (housing) after another (dot com) and we all get fucked in the process. But going back to the rules that kept us mostly bubble-free for half a century (1932-1980s) would be socialist or something so we can't possibly do that...

WTF?: Science Got a Cracka Trippin'

How are these two stories not getting more media coverage? Remember the past fifty years when both diagnoses meant you'd probably prefer death to living with either. Science done got a cracka trippin'. Do ya thang, science. Make it do what it do.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friday Hottie: Alie Layus

Haha, her name is "lay us". Welcome to the Den, Alie!

Boogerdamus: Boogerdamus' Predictions Be A Year Early and Shit

 Boogerdamus was chompin' at the bit on this one.

Seriously though, OKC ran into a buzz saw.

billhicksmostfunnydamus: Inflation Ain't No Joke

"We think the actual rate of inflation is something closer to 6 or 7 percent on an annual basis. It's also not about what it's been over the last 10 years; it's about what it's going to be over the next 10 years." 

"We just can't keep living the way we're living. It'll end within our lifetime. We're just going to run out of certain things. We'll just have to learn how to adjust."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WTF?: Suicidal Bride-to-be

Seriously, this chick is hot. I'm not sure how much I mean this, but shorty, get yo' fine Chinese tookus over to the U.S. BMR will get his marriage on. Fuck that guy. Don't off yourself for some punkass man. At least be a hot lesbian or some shit.

My Mandarin is pretty week, but I'm pretty good with a pair of chopsticks if you know what I mean...

Karma is a Bitch: Bear Hunting

Well you know what they say about messing with the bull. Is this what y'all do for fun up there, bhmf?
Grizzly Bear