"I'd also like to hark back to a post a while back when HEAD was supporting some cockamanie economic plan. Probably QE2 or some plan O was touting to save the economy. I remember pointing out something about HYPER inflation and that is the real threat here. Fuck inflation that shit is for pussies, HYPER inflation is what we need to be worried about!!!!! Oh shit, I'm gonna buy some more ammo and seeds and booze cause its gonna be a wild ride!"
Or not:Just for reference, "hyperinflation" means an inflation rate of at least 50 percent per month, or about 13,000% annually. So just 12,998.3% to go!
If there's one thing that freaks me out about BMR's post, it's the prospect of Wall Street going all bubble with our food supply. There aren't enough good investments out there so they just prop up one market (commodities) after another (housing) after another (dot com) and we all get fucked in the process. But going back to the rules that kept us mostly bubble-free for half a century (1932-1980s) would be socialist or something so we can't possibly do that...
CTB Show 522: The Joke of Baltimore
3 days ago
You must have failed to read your own encyclopedia dude: "Hyperinflations tend to be self-perpetuating. Suppose a government is committed to financing its expenditures by issuing money and begins by raising the money stock by 10 percent per month. Soon the rate of inflation will increase, say, to 10 percent per month. The government will observe that it can no longer buy as much with the money it is issuing and is likely to respond by raising money growth even further. The hyperinflation cycle has begun. During the hyperinflation there will be a continuing tug-of-war between the public and the government. The public is trying to spend the money it receives quickly in order to avoid the inflation tax; the government responds to higher inflation with even higher rates of money issue."
ReplyDeleteIf the shoe fits wear it big brains. I'm not quite sure what you are getting at here anyways. Is your point that we have not yet experienced hyperinflation b/c the inflation rate has not topped 50%? Well if that is what your saying I don't get it. So it hasn't happened YET!! The point is that if it were to happen it only has to happen once to be devastating beyond belief. But I guess we shouldn't worry too much about things that have not happened yet.
What freaks me out about Wall Street is the fact that people don't recognize it for what it is. A legalized three ring gambling circus. It freaks me out that people think regulations can fix or control things. They may work for a while, but people find loopholes and people game the system. Socialist rules suck, just like any rules or regulations in general. I think ethics and morals properly instilled at an early age is the only answer. Then no regulations will be needed. You can't regulate people who would rob their own family blind and that is more or less the breed of people we have today. Aside teaching our youngsters how honorable and fair (if you can call it that) decisions benefit everyone I vote anarchy. Anarchy is more or less what we have anyway, people are just scared to call it that. And they are scared to really mash the throttle down and go full bore anarchy.
Well I say bull shat on the economic theorizing the only part of the den that gone clone is the pussy footing encyclopedia reading scholars. Every man for himself. Rule of the jungle. Eat or be eaten. Anarchy is the name of game and the rules are simple and easy to remember and playing field is level (kinda), just fuck the bullshit.
That Friday Hottie was so hot I'm sorry. The Den is farf from clone.
ReplyDeleteread up on deflation....