Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Karma is a Bitch: Bear Hunting

Well you know what they say about messing with the bull. Is this what y'all do for fun up there, bhmf?
Grizzly Bear


  1. Karma is a bitch allright. Not sure how serious you are with the hunting is gaf tag and the stupid honkey tag. Care to clarify?

    Bear hunting is what a lot of people up here do for fun. Most people are pretty damn scared of the bears already and this will only add to the overhyped fear of bear attacks. Anyway you look at it the rule of the jungle is for real up here. Eat or be eaten. Score one for the bears.

    You oughta read a little how the natives used to hunt bears in their den with a spear. Now that is real hunting.

  2. Right, but that dude was clearly out there for sport. I think the bears are having a hard enough time, they don't need crackas gunnin' for their ass. Have you seen what these fuckers do to catch a salmon?

    Speaking of the "rule of the jungle", isn't that why property values are so cheap? Because you can have your face eaten off before you get a chance to drink a cup or scratch your nuts?
    Hunting is a good skill to have and I'll be relying on a hunter soon, I'm sure. But I have no weapons to bring to the equation. Need be, I'm a decent shot, ask T-Large. We were only shooting a .22 at the time, though, so it looks like I'm gonna have to get by on birds and squirrels and shit.

    The 'stupid honkey' tag is reserved for dumb rednecks doin' dumb redneck shit. I like to draw attention to stereotypes as frequently as possible. It makes for some good Dennin'.

  3. I figured the stupid honkey tag was for the reason you stated but just thought I might check.

    Not so sure about rule of the jungle and property values though. First off define cheap and getting your face eaten off is pretty rare especially if you understand bear behavior and exercise a tad bit of common sense. Land is not cheap on the road system in AK, there are very few roads so land near a road is at a premium. Off the road system you can find cheap land but access is an issue. Unless you have a bush plane which many folks do. I would like to buy land off the road system (the bush) and access it with a dogsled team, one day. Our land in Glennallen is cheap because land in the interior is generally cheaper because of the harsh winters. We see -30 to -60 temps which keep land prices down and many folks away. Land south by ANC and on the Kenai Pennisula is expensive b/c of mild winters and ocean access. So now you know a little about the real estate market in AK, but there are many factors I failed to mention. OH yeah a lot of land is nothing but a swamp bog or permafrost. You can always buy a cheap swamp out here!!!

    As for the hunting for sport I am not so sure either. This guy lived in Nome which is off the road system and he could have depended on this meat to feed his family. We don't know for sure though. Most people, myself included, have access to a grocery store nowadays, but if given a choice would hunt for food than buy mystery meat at a store. Whether someone is hunting for sport out here or subsistence is a tough call and there are large grey areas. And bears are not in that bad of shape out here, there numbers are okay as far as I know. Polar bears are not doing so good, but brown and black are okay I believe. Let me know if it is otherwise. Brown and black bears in the lower 48 are no doing so hot, but we got a lot of bears up here. And a lot of people that like to hunt them.

    Sounds like you gotta buy a decent rifle or two, always need a backup. 22's are the best gun of all though. Fun to shoot and cheap. I am in the market for a 22 handgun with a nice scope.
