Friday, July 31, 2009
Damn skippy!
Boog and Ball DEEP Show, ALL DAY... Please balleeeve meah!

JOTD: -7 through 16 holes, I don't care if you don't golf, shit is Jackal Ball DEEP is selling his whip
$500 off if you are a jackal, or if your name is Steven.
Friday Hottie: Megan Good/Odette Yustman

One of the many reasons why I have watched Stomp the Yard 5 million times: Megan Good is way hot. (I am not sure why she always does the eyebrow face though.) I attempted to watch The Unborn the other night...not exactly sure why. I was able to stomach about 33 seconds before I realized it was the worst movie ever made. But scrolled through the DVD just to get a few more glances at the lovely Megan and leading role Odette Yustman. Delicious...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
GCOTD: Ben Affleck
I just watched Bigger, Faster, Stronger last night. I highly recommend my Jackals to check this joint out. Very funny and very good. Point/counter point on the whole Roids in America craze.
As a bonus it reminded me of this classic clip of Ben Affleck losing his shit in a big way from that old HBO family special. Too freaking funny. Sort of like a PG -13 version of the Jesse Spano, "I'm So Excited" saved by the bell meltdown. Enjoy.
Short changed...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Did you guys notice we broke 300 posts?
figure out who Taylor Swift is and buy her record
open a MySpace account
watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy
watch a Harry Potter movie
open a Facebook account
stop finding cougars attractive
drink cqq99 under the table
say goodbye to sensi-Boogers McRib
apologize to FetusFace for calling him out repeatedly
assist FetusFace in being "deflowered"
consider a vote for Sarah Palin in 2012
get ripped off by the Melting Pot restaurant
drink a Bud Light Lime
play Flip Cup
enter a nude wheel barrow race in Dupont Circle
many other things I have absolutely no intention of doing...
Fantasy Football, go to fuckin' sleep!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Netflix this joint if you haven't already... to speak. It probably helps that I'm the only one who understands my jibberposts anyway, but I know I want to drop some knowledge on these fools on occasion. My Dirty Birds are fixing to make a run at the AFC North and in essence, the NFL on the whole. I know the Jackals are going to come around. At the least, whoever intends to get awesome for several months preceding VM's nuptials. I still think summer is a hell of a time for jackalness, not sure why attendence is tapering off. Besides, work appears like it will be slow for at least another week or two. A Jackals Day In Court is a post that absolutely needs to grace this beautiful hag.
What's that? Jackals den back to eating a dick?

What's that? The Den eats a fatty? OK well fuck it. I have tried and tried to increase readership of this piece of shit, but it appears it is destined for failure. Good luck jackals. This is Ball Deep signing off. Let me know when you grow a pair and decide to contribute to this shit. A jackal cannot survive on his own entertainment. As much as I love the den I feel that I and a few others are doing alot more giving than taking. So this is my official goodbye. See you in hell.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
European Jackalcation: Saturday Updates

Friday, July 24, 2009
Oh, Fani...
Bad ass Jackal: Kevin Barnes
The Redskins have signed rookie cornerback Kevin Barnes, the team announced
on Thursday. Barnes, a University of Maryland product, was the
Redskins’ third-round selection (80th overall) in the 2009 NFL Draft.
6-0, 187-pounder was the highest selection Washington has used on a cornerback
since the team drafted Carlos Rogers with the ninth overall pick in 2005
Maryland, Barnes started all 20 games the last two seasons and recorded 85
tackles, including 5.5 for a loss, six interceptions, two forced fumbles and 14
passes defended.
Oh, and if that does nothing for you there is this:
Not now Chief, I'm in the fucking zone!
We all knew this day would come eventually, the day I left the shackles of the real world for two weeks of vacation in the Greek Islands. But what will come of the Den? Will it survive?
My main Ninjas BD and BMR have been holding shit down the last few weeks. My own Jackaldom has been lacking as the corporate man has been holding me down. How can I fix this? What can I do? What can anyone do?
This is my promise. Tonight while getting awesome in Atlantic City I pledge to text BD and BMR an update for posting. While overseas I pledge to get online with my brother in laws computer and post on any and all Jackalisms. Can you imagine the number of Jackal statues I will purchase so close to the Jackals epicenter in Egypt? Epic it shall be.
So Jackals, I beg of you, do not let me come home to the harsh realities of the real world and a Den that is vacant and deceased. For the love of Anubis don't let that happen.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Me and Boog = Schlek Brothers minus the Gay Clone outfits

The Schleck brothers (boog and I) overtake Armstrong (ya'll bitch asses)"I'm very proud of myself -- I'm proud of my brother," Frank Schleck (BD) said. The Schlecks (boog and I) were the main attackers against Contador (Gay Clones) during the final two punishing climbs (posts), and at times took turns relaying each other or trying to shake the Spaniard (jackals not holding shit down)."We bet everything -- make or break it," Frank Schleck (BD said) said." We deserved to win ... we attacked one after another. We countered well -- it was a good tactic."
Boog and I are holding this shit down like a motherfucka....once again. Ya'lls is some scrimps.
JOTD: After the Fact
Pretty Fuckin' Tired of Seeing That Previa
Jackal Transit: Toyota Previa

"Toyota looks like a football...and when you sit in it, ya feel
like ya sittin; still"
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Rapture Imminent: These Parents Should Be Drawn and Quartered
GCOTD: Big Ben

So let me get this straight, so if you pay someone millions of dollars to play a kids game and allow them to glide through school and life and then expect them not a be retard they will be one anyway?
Crazy Enough to Work
Work be holding a brother down like a DC United scarf weighing down the awesomeness of fallen Jackals. But like Dr Dre breaking free from BAN like Easy E and Tim Dogg I've shed the shackles of the IT overlords and am ready to get awesome as it once was and shall always be.
So what have I missed in the Den? General Boogers and Ball D behavior from Boogers and Ball D. Did our new contributor step up to the plate while I was sidelined with an injury? Negative. Did Head post? If by post you mean guzzle dick. Did VM figure out how to string 8 paragraphs together and get his link on? He did about as much as Pontius attended a real sporting event.
For fuckin shame. The Ewing Theory certainly wasn't in effect during my absence. But I'm back, and I'm dedicated until I head off to AC Friday at noon and then Greece for 2 weeks. So get ready to get awesome and then get choked by the vapors.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Media Microscope fetishing motherfuckers

Why is the media in this microscope fetish?
Ok, so I understand having ~12 hrs of programming mean that there is a lot of shit talkers and shit. BUT FUCKING STOP!!
There is no need to take every subject and break it down with a bunch of idiots who want to be in TV!
New Recruits

And I Would Do Anything For Love...
Monday, July 20, 2009
Wack ass food: Ball Deep performs his best Alky Jay Impression towards the point of puking

These little bastards caused me an epic diarrhea and vomit display back on my anniversary dinner in June that lasted a solid (actually not solid at all) 24 hours. Down at Long Beach Island in NJ this past weekend. I decided to tempt fate yet again and reunite with this horrendous creature at the local seafood restaurant. Now granted I was driving so there were no adult libations to quell any uneasy seas so I had to rely on good grace of the Lord to see me through. Turns out this was the wrong move because I proceded to unleash a brutal display of rejection into the toilet, not seen since Jenna Bithrow rejected the "It's just me, Boogers McRib" approach Boogers used while climbing into bed with the unsuspecting minx back in the Glenelg days.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
JOTD: Short Sleeves/Shubert/Dr. Trunk/Alabama Ass Maverick

If you haven't turned 30, and you've had forty-six cars, you're a jackal. If you are notorious for reeling in underage punanny, you're a jackal. If you stopped using condoms because you can perform your own abortions, you're a jackal. If you rent a room at a wedding reception and decide midway through the night that you'd rather sleep in the trunk of an '04 Sebring, you're a jackal. If you crap iPhones, you're a jackal. If you decide you don't care for a nickname that your buddy, BallDeep thinks is hilarious, and your means of conveying your disapproval is a jackal to jackal punch in the face, you're a jackal. So, fellow jackals, roll up a sleeve or two for our Jackal Down South, or get enviromental wid' it and carpool to work in a friend's trunk. We're raisin' a leg to Shubes, keep an eye on your little sisters and if you're in the Charleston, South Carolina region, let's just say, play it safe.
Fellow Jackals in the Blogospher
Friday, July 17, 2009
BMR+Ball Deezy=Good Ol' Days

Pontius: Appointment of the BM frightens me
If not, my bad for blowing up your spot, VoiceMail. It's not like I said you were having a kid like some other jackals in the room. (cough). I, myself, am quite fired up at the pairing for the obvious reasons, soon-to-be-Ms. Voicemail is JAF, as well as the fact that it is yet another excuse to get awesome.

Don't get me wrong, Pontius has been on the right side of getting awesome on more than one occasion. But someone that spends their time scouring ebay for DC United scarfs and rocking out to the Decemberists on his iPhone while riding on his fixie in the mean streets of DC does leave room for concern.
I have not heard any murmurs of possible BP ideas, and I am certain it will go off without a hitch, but I have a feeling I am not alone in having some reservations about the possible Gay Clone infiltration of said event. Thoughts?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
You're a Crazy Bitch, But You Cook Cats So Good I'm On Top of It...