Thursday, July 16, 2009

You're a Crazy Bitch, But You Cook Cats So Good I'm On Top of It...

By request I've trimmed the fat off of this post. The short version. Bitch is nuts, she threw a kitten in an oven on broil. If you're a humanitarian, click the link.
Young Tiger Lily
P.S. Cycling is GAF


  1. Or, alternatively:

    You're a Crazy Bitch, But You Cook Cats So Good I'm On Top of It...


    P.S. Cycling is GAF


  2. Not only did she throw a cat in the oven, she also stole someone's dog using a BB gun (though she apparently did not bake it) and also committed robbery using a real gun. This chick is on the fast-track to a really productive life...

  3. The question is, did she eat the cat? If so, she aint crazy, she just like the other white meat!

    p.s. and bf ppl get all PETA on my ass, i am just fucking with you, I would NEVER EAT A CAT...again

  4. You ever heard about this duck fetus eating thing? Google it. It's scary. Dude at my work from the Phillipines ate them all the time growing up. Said it was drinking food. Like potato chips. He's clearly insane.

  5. I believe that SS is referring to balut. Video here.

  6. I saw the duck fetus/balut shizzle on that show 'Three Sheets'. The tiny Phillipino man said it was good for your "mojo". Not sure, Ball Deep, you might have to balut that azz at Voicemail's BP.

  7. Isn't it gross? I was talking big game too when he described it to me while we wre out to lunch. "Oh that sounds hardcore. Like a softsheel crab? Dope. I'm gonna find an Asain market and get some for our trip to Atlantic City". I then returned to my desk, googled it, and nearly vomited all you can eat Korean BBQ into my trash can... And then sent the pic I found to everyone that went to lunch to share the gag reflex...
