If not, my bad for blowing up your spot, VoiceMail. It's not like I said you were having a kid like some other jackals in the room. (cough). I, myself, am quite fired up at the pairing for the obvious reasons, soon-to-be-Ms. Voicemail is JAF, as well as the fact that it is yet another excuse to get awesome.

Don't get me wrong, Pontius has been on the right side of getting awesome on more than one occasion. But someone that spends their time scouring ebay for DC United scarfs and rocking out to the Decemberists on his iPhone while riding on his fixie in the mean streets of DC does leave room for concern.
I have not heard any murmurs of possible BP ideas, and I am certain it will go off without a hitch, but I have a feeling I am not alone in having some reservations about the possible Gay Clone infiltration of said event. Thoughts?
I think you are a highly perceptive human being with intellegent theories. However I believe Voicemail informed both you and I that some sort of deep sea fishing expedition was the starting plan on the 3rd of July and Dales erased that conversation from your memory. I have also heard the BP will be a weekend long. Regardless of Pontius drinking 4 bottled beers, updating his facebook status from his iPhone, and telling Voicemail how much he loves him, we're all gonna be there and Voicemail is Jackal as fuck (JAF) and we're JAF so it will be JAF. Word is bond.
ReplyDeleteWord is bond for real. The details are still in the works, but be affrimed that accountability is high on my list. Pontius will be held to a high standard, and let's face it, if he's the "responsible one" who sticks to drinking 4 bottles of beer, it leaves the window wide open for the rest of us to soak it up and blow off serious steam by pounding some chillies. Certainties; I will get faced/awesome, we will be doing some activity that's not doable in our natural habitats, and we will get Pontius to cut loose and align himself with the Jackals. If not, fuck it, there's plenty of us to keep it intersting.
ReplyDeleteFuck yeah! Bachelor party!!!! Congrats VM. PS Lora's pregnant.
ReplyDeleteLora's pregnant!?!?! Yo, brah, check it. We're gonna start the weekend off with the D.C. United v. New York Red Bulls, then we're going to a wine and cheese tasting at Le Femme Impresse. We're gonna wrap up the evening with drinks at the Pug, because Bare Knuckle ISN'T the worst beer you've ever had that tastes like nickels. We'll wake up Sunday and twist our ankles in a pickup game of teatherball. Please refrain from replying to all on this blog. Oh, and no bacon explosions, someone could get high cholesterol.
Not that I would know, but drunk teatherball is harder than it sounds.
ReplyDeleteYou nailed it Boogers
ReplyDeletePS, yes, Lucas we knew Laura was pregnant; too bad we found out via blog. You should try balling sometime. We could even have a conversation in person. Wales changed you bro.
ReplyDeleteNice effort everyone...well played indeed. Can't wait for the festivities.
ReplyDeleteVM I think KOTJ joined a Circket Club that plays Saturdays and Sunday at 11... Balling is for Wankers. Bloody Wankers.