Sunday, July 19, 2009

JOTD: Short Sleeves/Shubert/Dr. Trunk/Alabama Ass Maverick

If you haven't turned 30, and you've had forty-six cars, you're a jackal. If you are notorious for reeling in underage punanny, you're a jackal. If you stopped using condoms because you can perform your own abortions, you're a jackal. If you rent a room at a wedding reception and decide midway through the night that you'd rather sleep in the trunk of an '04 Sebring, you're a jackal. If you crap iPhones, you're a jackal. If you decide you don't care for a nickname that your buddy, BallDeep thinks is hilarious, and your means of conveying your disapproval is a jackal to jackal punch in the face, you're a jackal. So, fellow jackals, roll up a sleeve or two for our Jackal Down South, or get enviromental wid' it and carpool to work in a friend's trunk. We're raisin' a leg to Shubes, keep an eye on your little sisters and if you're in the Charleston, South Carolina region, let's just say, play it safe.


  1. i think this would fall under "Give a muthafuckin' Jackal his muthafucking Props" posting. Since I seem to have abandoned that duty.

  2. How did ScarShoulders resist commenting on the legend of Shube? Willpower, my friends, willpower...

  3. Work power. But guess who put the work cyber police to rest and is back like Juan Dixon is his prime? This guy. I made like I got a new haircut and told those IT Bama's "Not now chief, I'm in the fuckin zone!"

    Shote Sleeves is Jackal as fuck. A Jackal in sheeps clothing because when sober he seems like the son of a peacher man. Add one drop of sweet sweet beer however and the dude will be hopping over bars, mixing car bombs, and howling at the moon so fast it'll make your head spin. Can't wait to catch up with him at the next Jackalcation... for the MD/VT game this November.
