Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fuck your Gay Clones! Jackal of the Day, Motherfucker-The Raving Homeless Lunatic on My Walk To Union Station

Now this isn't a picture of the Jackal of the Day, but damn, I gotta get one on here. This guy is amazing. He's rifling through cigarettes, his voice is extremely raspy from the smoke. What takes our Jackal of the Day to another howling level is the way he constantly speaks. He greets everyone that walks by and some people he remembers and they remember him. Just this morning:
"...Happy Wednesday! How's the new grandbaby?"
"Fine," a middle aged woman passing at a brisk pace, so brisk in fact, she had less time to answer him than the very short amount of time it took this crazy dude to remember her face and remember she had a new grandchild.
He continues to rant and never seems to stop for a breath. If you ever want to meet a full blown crazy man, stop by the Exxon on Massachussetts right by the Courthouse. Pick this guy's brain for a little bit. I haven't yet, I'm fucking scared of this bastard. And, Fetus Face, if you could put the dick wetness on hold for just a minute, the Den would love to hear about all the bitches and awesome gettingness and what not... whenever you're ready.

P.S. KOTJ, I got your next Mancation hairstyle...RIGHT OVA' HEEE


  1. I am doing that cut at the next mancation if KOTJ is not...

  2. Nobody but Droppa Duece may have that haircut.
