Thursday, December 9, 2010

Paging Dr. Kevorkian...

Ok, that's a bit harsh, but look at that woman's leg and foot. She's about to burst 'Seven' style. Get her weight down so what? So she can fit in an MRI and find out why she has headaches(Oh, I don't know, maybe because she's 78% body fat?), so what? She can learn she popped a blood vessel and it's going to kill her if her gigantic ass doesn't beat it to the punch? Look at the freaking medicine cabinet she's accumulated! Come on out back, Yeller. JTFC.


  1. Ok quick -STAT- Head we need a breakdown on this situation. How would this situation be different had this poor lady been covered under ObamaCare? Please tell me this atrocity would have been prevented somehow, someway, please confirm this suspicion of mine. Maybe had she somehow been deprived of that first glorious happy meal toy this terrible addiction/tragedy could have been prevented. And had the food police had their way this world would then have been a sad sad place for I would have been deprived of this fine fine sonnet.

  2. BTW, if anyone was wondering. Haikus are not poetry. Not even close. Never have been never will be. Unless, you want to call them lazy man poetry, that is. Shit I bet even Rusty T Bone can pen a half decent Haiku every now and then.

  3. bhmf...I don't get it. I assume this woman has insurance, in which case the Affordable Care Act doesn't really affect her (except for possibly lowering her premiums).

    The food police stuff doesn't really have anything to do with ACA, and I think qualify under "political initiatives that both bhmf and Head oppose".

    By the way, the best part of that article, by far, is this: "We thought that it might be possible for Terri to have an MRI at the Cleveland Zoo in the machine used for the elephants and rhinos but the zoo does not have a licence for humans." Ha!

  4. Yeah I dunno just some random thoughts poorly tied together. My brain was a little frazzled by the mental image of her fat ass bursting.

    The Food Police is definitely a bad idea in most cases, but might have been helpful in this circumstance. Some type of food felony might have closed this case before it got this far along...........

    An just another thought: Maybe Palin was onto something with those death panel comments. Ol Boogers here makes two separate remarks that could lead one to believe he is in favor of ...............I can't say god that is just awful............damn Boogers where do you get these stories (I didn't even know what a Juggalo was until......) ??????? Is there some type of Jerry Springer website you belong to?????

  5. "Some sort of food felony might have closed this case before it got this far along..." Hilarious!

  6. I hate to say it, but gay clone chicken fucker or not, I give Matt Drudge like 70 hits/week. It's good for random shock news and "journalism" in which ol' Drudgey drums up apocalyptic mayhem on a daily basis. Good stuff for "Eff the establishment" folks such as you and I. Food police is an awesome idea. A recent study found "More than 9 million young Americans -- about one in four -- are too overweight to enlist". Right now, it's cheaper for dumb bitches to buy orange Hawaiian Punch and feed their kids chicken nuggets, because real orange juice and a salad cost more. So the "food police", you fuckin' crazy Alaskan, should tax the shit out of Coca Cola(and companies of their ilk) and every facet of the food industry they've sunk their hooks into. Why is this a problem? Force fat kids to eat correctly(and their parents to feed them) and force everybody to exercise a shitload more than they do now. Food Police. Keep fucking THAT chicken.

  7. Big problem man. More taxes not good. Big food companies ala Coca Cola not good either, but it is an evil we have to live with. You cannot legislate good sense. Besides look at the people who would be in charge of the legislating. Anyways it is your choice what you eat, but some people (poor people) are trapped into buying such things as orange Hawaiian Punch and such and this is the thing we should change. Wealth distribution in this country is fucked. Easier said than done of course and the way the ship is headed now I don't really think it is even possible. This ship is bound for a big ol' iceberg. Food police can fuck THAT chicken, I like my America free and I like to be free to choose what I eat. Good or bad, I am PRO CHOICE. You know PRO CHOICE not PRO LIFE! If I were PRO LIFE I would want the food police to save this poor lady but instead I am PRO CHOICE, shovel some more Fried Chicken at her and watch her do the thing the blueberry kid did in the Choc Factory.
