Friday, October 23, 2009

GCOTD: Matt Drudge

Hey, want to find out how every waking moment is the eve of the apocalypse? Want to hear over-exaggerated renditions of events and happenings the world over? Or do you just want some content to spark hilariousness in the Den? This fucking douchebag provides all of the above. Unfortunately, some redneck in the Arkansas hills might read this and think Obama has turned the White House into a Bill Clinton-esque melee' with anal beads and cigar dildos, because ol' Drudgey gave it this tagline - "Comic brags about snorting coke feet away from Obama..." So now stand-up comedy routines are breaking news. What a douche. Please, someone besides NPR, base your reporting/headlines on facts.

By the way, can any jackal put eyes on the missing jackal pictured below?


  1. Excellent selection. Just the other day I read an article about how he's driving the negative attention on the weakening value of the dollar when it (1) isn't particularly important and (2) probably is a good thing. It's amazing how much news organizations rely on this guy, and I still don't really get why they do so...

    (It's also amazing that media so often accused of liberal bias rely so heavily on an unabashed conservative.)

  2. Whew. Head said I am right. Fuck the rest of you guys

  3. And at minute 1:00 on this video, an owl does a jackal impersonation. Ba leeve it. How confused are you guys with my sudden fascination with owls on youtube?

  4. Owls are gay clones of Hawks. Baleeve it.
