Monday, January 11, 2010

Hey, New Jersey! Way to Contribute

If you're building a sex robot, don't make it look like Chrissie Hynde and Napolean Dynamite had a cyborg baby. Hey, New Jersey, keep fuckin' that chicken, I mean robot. China is mass-producing windmills to generate electricity. Japan is a decade ahead in the electric car. What's the U.S. working on? Getting nerds laid by a machine that says, "I love holding hands with you" which is very creepy considering "The level of sophistication demonstrated was not beyond that of a child's talking toy".


  1. Don't let the chinese fool you with their wind generation. Most polluting country by a large margin. New Jersey does suck big time though

  2. China could give a shit about green energy. My point was that they're mass-producing the state of the art wind generator. They'll let the rest of the world's brownie-eating hippies buy and install them. My point was that 'Merica be slippin' like DMX. We need 'Merican industry before they take our jjjoooobbbbsss.

  3. they took our jobs
    durka durka durrrr
