Monday, January 11, 2010

GCOTD: Keth Brooking (Entire Cowboys Roster)

I don't know who would get fired up watching this fuckin'
honkey 'do his thing'. Babyface, does this 'git you
ready for some football?' Please tell this man he is not Ray Lewis.


  1. Sadly that was not the first time I have seen this. WWE+Gay porn+UFC is less gay than that. Fucking hell I hate the Cowboys.

  2. I think I put a link to it on the Den already, but first time GCOTD no less. Babyface, take a good long look. I don't know how you sleep at night.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. number one ball deep is a judas and is continuing to dirty the den with his unworthy talk of the nfl when his team is at best the worst team in the nfl this year if not all time
    number two i sleep at night just fine cuz my team is still in the playoffs and won their division

  5. I think it might be over the line to make fun of actual missing chromosome retards, which Keith Brooking clearly is...

  6. Babyface,
    Do ya' thing. No one is jumping a playoff bandwagon, but next time they suck, you better recognize the opportunity in front of you. No white man from the DC area(where you live) is a Cowboys fan without some direct lineage to the fattest state. Some people call it the biggest. But it's fat. It's overweight and diabetic. The only reason I make it a race issue is because IT IS ONE! "This disappearance of black players from the NFL effectively coincided with the entry of one of the leading owners of the league, George Preston Marshall. Marshall openly refused to have black athletes on his Boston Braves/Washington Redskins team, and reportedly pressured the rest of the league to follow suit. The NFL did not have another black player until after World War II." (See link Wikipedia
