Friday, June 12, 2009

"Kyle" Back On His Stalking Grind

There is one thing I gotta say about Kyle, he's getting really good at stalking his prey. How was this picture even taken? Did you just surprise a bitch with a "HOLY FUCK LOOK AT THE CEILING!!!" ? What's going on with her hands? Have you killed and stuffed her? I don't even know what to think anymore, I guess I need more pictures . . .


  1. you guys are idiots... kyle was right she is hot. And obviously extremely oblivious.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is easily the best face shot we've gotten, and this picture is quite promising. Need more to confirm, of course. Why is BabyFace not on a mission on this again? I'm all for continuing these once-a-day stealth pics, but at this rate we'll agree that she's hot about mid-August and then she'll go back to school before you ever get the chance to bone her!

    Oh, and I concur with SS: you got some creep in you, no doubt.

  4. you almost have enough for another comic strip!

  5. hold up
    is boogers pullin a short sleeves

  6. "hold up
    is boogers pullin a short sleeves"

    SHWISH! Boogers is the new short sleeves, I get older but the chicks stay the same age allllllllrighhhhhtt....
