Monday, June 8, 2009

Hot and heavy

Scott Hamilton isn't subtle. When he's bromancing you, you know it. It would be a lot easier for a black lady to shout into her phone without holding it sideways, but you know that isn't going to happen. All I'm saying is, you gotta be careful when your trying to maintain jackalism/wizardry/general awesomeness across the board, you can't be parading through the Jackals Den with "tasting notes". Further, a blog to blog hypertext relationship might be a bit much too soon. Before you know it, you're making vodka pairing inquiries and "hey, Evanessence, you know what would be an awesome flavor of vodka?" We don't want to see our jackal get hurt. I'm just saying...


  1. Watch ya back ya back

  2. sounds like McRib caught the bitter envy flu Tarzan had yesterday morning. Jealousy of awesomeness is an ugly color on you my friend...
