Monday, June 8, 2009

Hope you all have a backup plan

Ya Fiyad!

Check out # 4 on this list...

Talking too much and conducting personal business at work.
Don't be guilty of misusing company resources, including the Internet, office supplies, and especially telephones; too much idle (personal talking) with coworkers. Non-business talking wastes more company dollars than any other activity. It should be saved for lunch and break times. This includes talking on the phone/email with stockbrokers, travel agents, hairdressers, bankers, etc.
In the 1960s and into the early 1970s, many offices and factories did not allow any conversation - employees were to work, not talk. This policy loosened somewhat in the 1980s and 1990s and then as employers discovered how much talking costs them, they began laying off the talkers. HOWEVER, some employers allow a certain amount of this type of activity and it is important to understand YOUR company policies and follow them.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, the blog is the backup plan. Or maybe even the first plan and the job is the backup plan. I would rant more but I gotta leave early to get to softball and have a pre-game beer.
