Sunday, February 17, 2013

Every time I come in the kitchen, you in the kitchen. In the goddamn refrigerator. Eatin' up all the food. All the chitlins... All the pig's feet... All the collard greens... All the hog maws. I wanna eat them chitlins... I like pigs feet.

I told that wigger ass dog he was a golden and not a black lab.


  1. Hahaha, he's just housing half a watermelon!!!!

  2. Dusty, you're letting yourself go! Are watermelons in season up in that piece?

  3. Everything is in season at the the grocery store!

    Not to mention, WhThaFck do dogs know 'bout seasons!?!

    Only season dogs know is: you had better fucking feed me tonight season! I don't give a fuck what it is, as long as it is partially (and I stress partially) edible.

    Dusty used to get pigs ears from the BBQ place in Richmond. Dusty likes him some pigs feet and some pig ears. Hog maws too, whatever the fuck they are............
