Tuesday, October 16, 2012

KFTC: Presidential Debates

I can't wait to see who brings the 'X-Factor' in tonight's contest. One man will be the 'American Idol' when this is all said and done. It sure has been an 'Amazing Race' up to this point. One issue of contest will be terror on the homeland and the 'Fear Factor' of Americans in the 21st Century. I'm quite certain if the 'Price is Right', one of these men will make a strong bid to spend the next four years in the 'West Wing'. Oh, if only we had a read on these two jokers before this epitome of democratic discourse!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Your integration of the mindless TV shows into a commentary on the mindlessness of these debates is most ironic.

    I like the debates however. It gives Colbert good material to work with. Although I think a chess match, or boxing match or even better a cage fight btw the two candidates would be way cooler.
