Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jackals Sleepy Again?

Is the Martian atmosphere making the Den sleepy? Have Boogers long-talked about long-sought-after Martians put us asleep with such little ease? We are on Mars MotherFuckers!!! New worlds conquered by the mighty Jackal! Wake up and talk about this shit! It is a good time to be a Jackal!


  1. Dude, I hopped in to the Den 'dashboard' on multiple occasions this week. I got nothin'. Put down the 'Creature' and hopped on Hunter's 'Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72, in light of current craziness be goin's on...

    SS is throwing a house warmer tomorrow night. Should be a shitshow. I'll do my best to document it for the masses.

    I was worried about our ol' pal bhmf for a minute. I know movin' be tryin' to clone a jackal.

    In other news, my 8-year pursuit of a real-life job that pays me to travel has come to fruition. Holler back at sticking with your gut and not being cloned like a skrimp.

  2. Two books at once? Sounds like Boogers is quite the bookworm. Mad props on that. I love reading, almost as much as I love breathing clean fresh air. Can't help but make me think of my hero.

    Probably the reason why Boogers ain't a waffle waiter.

    And yes moving is tough business, not for the faint of heart. But moving don't scare BHMF, he ninja kicked moving in the balls.

  3. They are even surveying Mars, you seen the pics they sent back? Fucking C I A --no good snooping bastards.

    And with all due respect Boogers (I share your concern and outrage at the obviously nefarious agendas behind these things) if you are so concerned about the police state BS why not move away from the epicenter of it all? Shit I'd be getting away from DC in the near future, if I cared at all to have a future.......

  4. See the city, see the zoo, traffic light won't let me through.

  5. Seen the city. Seen the zoo (DC does have a nice zoo. Although they be slippin' on their animal care, from what I've heard.)

    Seen the traffic lights (hate them motherfuckers) and seen the slaves.

  6. You should see the traffic light cameras! Bullocks.
