Monday, July 16, 2012

What's that weather like in hell Joe Pa? Hot is it?

How about this one? Joe Paterno is a big fat child rape enabler...

You Jackals read this shit?  Fucking terrible shit man, really fucked up. 


  1. I'm not sure how that dude slept for 18 years or whatever it was while this shit was going on. Hopefully, Sandusky has had dozens of beatings and rapes by now.

  2. Uh he wasn't sleeping he was actively covering it up. Total BS he wasn't indicted for perjery from what I can tell. Odds are they figured he would die soon anyways.

  3. Yeah this shit is honor left in people these days.........not like ancient Japan......we have no code of honor anymore...........if people like this had any they would have offed themselves a long time face for their family ....

    Same goes for the coverups. Seems like every scandal has its coverup. No one has the guts to stand up and take their punishment, they just run and hide. Yeah he mighta died soon anyways, but we could/should have helped speed that process along. It's only the honorable thing to do.....

  4. I used to really respect that program, still do. Taking away ALL their win from what, 1998 to 2011 is ridiculous. JoPa didn't fuck any kids, I don't think. I haven't bothered to read or listen to any articles, but guilt by association is b.s.

  5. Nah I think taking all the wins away is Jackal As Fuck. You cover up a coach fucking kids in your locker room and you are basically playing with a coaching staff that is illegal as if you didn't cover it up they all would be fired. Really no different than an illegal recruit, aside from the kid fucking. Fuck Joe Pa and quadruple fuck his dumbass family that doesn't know when to sip on a warm glass of shut the hell up.
