Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jackal Inventions: Pizza Vending Machine

If you thought we were done getting awesomely fat and enormous as a civilization, you best check your motherfuckin' self. Shit's about to get real.

Oh yeah, and did I mention, it's an election year? HA! The Den is dead. Pfft.

1 comment:

  1. I love me some pizza, but I would definitely think twice before getting some out of a vending machine. But don't judge Boogers, that shit may be alright........gotta try it out and see first.......

    As for weed being Obama's secret weapon I would say we can only hope this may be the case. Although I wouldn't hold my breath on it, it would be nice. It would also make the feds some much needed dollar bills and maybe they could give the printing press a break for a little while.....
