Monday, May 2, 2011

Go To Sleep: Osama bin Laden

By mid-February, intelligence from multiple sources was clear enough that Obama wanted to "pursue an aggressive course of action.(aka "keep it jackal")"


  1. Buried at sea? According to Islamic tradition? Fuck you Bin Laden Fuck Islamic tradition Fuck whoever participated in this sea burial/coverup. Fuck you whoever believes this shit without seeing some Fucking pictures. Still waiting on that picture of the plane that hit the Pentagon.

    I ASK: Whom amongst the dead on 9/11/2001 got to be buried according to their tradition? Whom among them were buried within 24 hours? Not sure exactly on the facts here but some of them were buried in rubble for months before they were buried (if you call burying an arm or a leg a burial) if they were even found at all.

    This whole saga is one sad sad page in history. Problem is one page has turned into an entire fucking chapter and we are getting ready to write a few more.

  2. Who in their FUCKING right mind believes this?

    Our White House Ministry of Truth is telling us: After nearly a decade of “hunting” for Bin Laden, he is summarily shot in the head and then allegedly tossed overboard (is that how evidence involving the crime of the century is handled)?

    Our we gonna sit on our hands and accept this can of shit again??? The answer is probably yes b/c everyone is too scared to speak up in case they lose their precious jobs! Aghast, the economy is in the shitter. Keep your head down and keep working, the Ministry of Commerce needs your sweat and labor.

  3. I think you just want to deny Obama the credit he deserves. History will look favorably on his presidency, in my opinion. But you don't want to believe that he was consoling Alabamans one day, being funny as fuck the next, then squeezing in nine holes and killing the world's foremost terrorist before the weekend was out. All the while, keeping a damn good poker face...
    "At 8:20am on Friday, April 29th in the Diplomatic Room, President Obama met with National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, White House chief of staff William Daley, White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan and deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough and gave the order for the operation."

    I do believe this crock of shit. I also believe bin Laden won a long time ago. He got exactly what he wanted. American collapse. A serious evaluation of American foreign policy. Even the fact that he wasn't taken alive was a tiny victory for a very sad individual. We did get that cracker's hard drives though. How much you want to bet he has kiddie porn on there? All the religious freaks have kiddie porn.

  4. Gee whilickers lookee here ol BHO being a bitch again.

    Give credit? Give me a break! I don't look at it like that. Credit for what? Wow 60 mins Oprah golf polls up, way to go! Credit where credit is due, he is a good political huckster.

    You must have missed the part about 3000 dead Americans denied a proper burial but goddamn if we don't bend over backwards appeasing Muslim tradition (wouldn't want to upset anyone) and I don't really care what tradition it is.

    And then this: "U.S. intelligence officials have been increasingly divided over the benefits of releasing photos as proof"

    Yeah really why do they have to prove anything when everyone(BMR:I do believe this crock of shit)believes everything they are told regardless of whether there is any hard evidence.

    Oh so they got his hard drives huh? Well I'd hope they got something shit they discarded the most important piece of evidence but hey they got some floppy disks so just forgot about the wool over your eyes and pay your taxes so we can go get some more bad guys.

    And Boogs I hate to break it to ya, but you can't be in Baracks Fan Club one minute and believe in American Collapse the next. If you believe at all in American Collapse do you not see how he has accelerated it, taken it to another level? He even outdid Bush, if that is possible.

    Bush left O with two wars, well at this rate BHO will leave the next pres with THREE!!!

  5. That collapse came in 2008 and it was long overdue. That was the election in which I voted for the man I'm backing up on this post. He's what America needs. Regardless of the puppetry at work here, the remains were offered to bin Laden's native Saudi Arabia, which they in turn declined. The honorable sea burial was Obama's way of not desecrating the remains. A bullet to the head is pretty savage, you might as well be humane about disposing of the body.

  6. The collapse is ongoing, and getting worse by the minute. When the collapse started is up for debate, I'd like to say 1913 when they created the Federal Reserve bank as we know it today. But it is a moot point anyways b/c we agree their is a collapse and when it started matters not. When you say "he is what America need" you do realize he has increased America's spending and military adventures above and beyond reason.

    Hadn't heard they offered the body to Saudi Arabia. Honorable? Please tell me you are kidding here? A bullet to the end is no more or less savage than any other way to meet your maker. But if we must compare I'd imagine dying mangled and twisted, trapped in a burning pile of molten steel and burning plastic not being able to breathe fresh air, quench your thirst, contact your family, just waiting to die would be worse. Or maybe vaporized is worse like many of those who died on 9/11. No wait lets argue UBL did them a favor by vaporizing them, it was painless, and therefore humane. Plus there was no need to dispose of a body for there was no body and it probably saved the families on burial costs. Man what a nice guy.

    This is all so fucked man but they must have fed you clowns the goddamn Blue Pill down in DC. Maybe the effects of the White House Ministry of Truth and the MSM are more far reaching than we now know.

    You know better than this Boogs: Remember Iraq’s WMD lies, Pentagon’s made-up script on Jessica Lynch, wrongfully accused Steven Hatfill, questionable Anthrax suspect Bruce Ivins, Niger Yellowcake fantasy, the lies about the Pat Tillman fraticide, just to name a few.

  7. I'll just say that I really don't understand arguments that are based in the assumption that America should base its decisions on what Osama did. In my mind, it's precisely the opposite - we should honor Muslim tradition and not publicize grisly photos precisely because we are decent fucking people and we want to differentiate ourselves from that motherfucker. Shoot him in the head, act like fucking grown ups, move on to other priorities (like this, for one).

  8. bhmf, before it seems like we're ganging up on you, you're not the only Alaskan that feels this way.

  9. Just cause Head drops by for his once every three months Jackal comment doesn't mean you are ganging up on me. I can handle my own shit, but thanks for worrying there Boogers. And I am not clicking on some Sarah Palin link, fuck you for even trying.

    As for Heads quarterly comment: Did any one in the Den argue that the USA should base its decisions on what Osama did? I don't think they did, if so I missed it.

    I definitely don't get the honoring of anyone's tradition. Especially Muslim though I will admit. If they had their way, we (the infidels) would be murdered and tortured for living the lives we do. And you want to honor something like that? The way I see it, by default, I have to wish death on them before they see fit to get their way with things.

    I wonder if the two of you have really considered the possibility that there are NO photos to release and that this is the real explanation behind all this madness. I don't think either of you have really truely considered this. With the government's track record this is not too much of a stretch. We did not behead him (by all accounts grisly) anyways we shot him. I don't know if you know what a gunshot wound looks like, but a lot of the times it is not that "grisly". It is just a small hole. Grisly shit happens all the fucking time anyways. It is not like the great majority of adults have not seen real war photos before. You have. You have seen dead things before too. I saw a dead cat in a small puddle today on my bike ride. Also two caribou carcasses being picked at by the ravens. Dead shit surrounds us. Don't be so fucking prissy! 9/11 was the crime of the century. Bin Laden was the most wanted man EVER! You don't just dispose of EVIDENCE like that in this scenario and expect everyone to believe you. Unless those people are so desperate to believe something they almost make it true just by believing it.

    Anyways I don't see myself winning any converts here so I will probably just give up but I really can't believe everyone is so willingly to accept the governments version of things every damn time. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice.........

  10. bhmf: "You must have missed the part about 3000 dead Americans denied a proper burial but goddamn if we don't bend over backwards appeasing Muslim tradition (wouldn't want to upset anyone) and I don't really care what tradition it is."

    That certainly sounds to me like you're asking the question: "They brutally killed us without any respect for our people or traditions so why would we not treat them the same way?" And the answer, as I said, is because we are nothing like them. But I guess I'm just old fashioned like that - I also liked it better when we could credibly claim that our troops captured in battle should not be tortured because it's wrong, which is why we never do it.

    As for why I believe that Osama is really dead, well there's the fact that the President of the United States staked his reputation on Osama never showing up again, for one. Also, his daughter says he's dead and so does al Qaeda. If that's not enough for you, I'd be interested in why a photograph, which could easily be Photoshopped given the awesome powers of the "White House Ministry of Truth", would be.

  11. I thought you meant BHO's daughter saw him get shot! That would be fucked up.

    For real though, my Photoshopping is chopped liver, huh, Head? I see what's up...

  12. But we do torture like you said, so are we nothing like them? That is all rhetorical bullshit anyway! Fact is you don't just dispose of the body of the MOST WANTED terrorist EVER the way they say they did and expect people to believe you.

    Well those are some great sources you got there: a 12 or 13 year old girl and Al Qaeda. Yeah A Q is known for its upstanding and reliable reputation. Guess if they say Osama is dead well then I should believe it.

    The photograph could of course be photoshopped, but at least I would have something to make a decision on. Funny how every time something is released pages are missing paragraphs blacked out, no audio feed, etc etc etc, no black boxes, what do they have to hide. Just show the American people all the evidence........What is so crazy about that??????

  13. Boogerdamus be speakin' da troof. Granted, they didn't say the nature of the smut, but I've got my money on it containing minors.
