Friday, February 4, 2011

News To Me: bhmf and Tico Need a BMR Translator

Head, where have you been? I think your skills of deduction are needed back in the Den. Plus, there's a really hot Friday Hottie today. Anyway, I know my logic is roundabout and tangential at best, but why are bhmf and Tico so fucking stupid? Do you actually have to learn anything while you attend VT? Or do you just cheer for whatever thug they put under center and ask to run the option and collect your diploma?
Yes, bhmf, I realize you aren't a Hokie, but your comments on the Egyptian protesters post have me questioning your abilities as a critical thinker. I'm wondering why you would bitch and moan about a carbon tax when there's very real concerns related to climate change.


  1. Word up BMR I am dragging some of my arguements over here to fuck up your roundabout logic.

    Did you miss this part of the article: "Over-reliance on the state: In almost all of these countries, socialist-oriented regimes have for decades employed millions of people in the public sector. Young people now emerging from schools and universities had been led to believe that -- like their parents -- they would be taken care of by the state. However, countries like Syria, Egypt or Iraq can no longer afford this: Their planned economies have proved not to be profitable."

    Specifically the "taken care of by the state" part is the part you need to marinate on you deaf dumb blind ass muthafucker. Don't you get it? I can see there are real concerns about climate change but letting the US govt. the UN or whomever levy a carbon tax is much akin to letting the inmates run the jail. Taxes steal wealth from the people. Giving the state/feds/govt more power in any form steals my intelligence/patience/hope in mankind. Smaller govt is what we need, if this is not blatantly obvious my now then I give up. Carbon taxes equal bigger govt in my humble opinion.

    And to conclude: Egypt is rioting, Yemen is having a "day of rage", Syria is considering one, Saudi Arabia is at best unstable, there are calls for protest in Morocco, Iraqis are protesting, and this is not to even begin to fathom the problems Russia, China, and North Korea pose to us. You do the math. Food prices are going up everywhere and fast. Rolling blackouts in Texas and I can go on and on and on. So what you ask what does it all mean at the end of day? I am not exactly sure but you are pretty close to the mark when you tag shit with words like "apocalypse" and "WWWIII". So I think I translated your shit alright.

    But just for some shits and giggles let me translate some of my shit for you: You had better sooner rather than later just forget about the Caps, the GOP, the Limbaughs and Coulters, the warm ass planet, the protesters and start making a serious plan to save your own ass cause shit is going down for real one of these days.

  2. And just another aside: we both agree food prices are going up. There is no doubting that. Your link supposes that extreme weather events are part of the cause. And this may be true. Inflation and decreasing wages don't help either. Besides in my view if they weather doesn't completely kill food production on the planet then peak oil eventually will.

    Peak oil is a little more complicated than it first appears. But in reality it is more or less what it sounds. We are running out of oil and fast. And when this happens food production as we know it will stop. Just think about it. Every scrap of food people eat nowadays is produced with oil. It is transported with oil. It is kept cool with oil. You get the drift?

    Besides if peak oil don't do the trick inflation could. Just like food prices are rising the same is happening to oil. Heck food prices rise because oil prices rise and the reverse is also true. So this means empty shelves at the gas stations, grocery stores, bulk food warehouses, restaurants, and generally everywhere.

    So anyway I gotta go back to work and I don't even know where I am going with this so make of it what you will. But in all seriousness, food is serious business and where you get your next meal has for us always been taken for granted and this can be a good thing and it can be a bad thing. Farming is hard work, that is why we use huge John Deere Combines that are three stories tall and run on oil and can harvest 500 acres at a time to do the work for us. We lazy ass sonsabitchs, but hey we eat well, for now............

    Gonna roll for real now, can't wait to see the State of the Den on Monday, shit gonna be all fucked up...........

  3. We should really devote some time to these issues. bhmf, do you know what a tax does? I know what it is. It deters jackasses from doing things they would otherwise continue to do. If paying more for food or alcohol or carbon, you will likely consume less. Unfortunately, the mass of population can't determine what's good for themselves, so you have to take away their wealth. Why are you so long-winded. Do you really need that many words to get your point across? Isn't there a YouTube video or something you can link to? Fuckin a, do Alaskans do anything besides read books and comment on blogs?

  4. So if I am translating this ("If paying more for food or alcohol or carbon, you will likely consume less) right you are advocating taxing FOOD in the middle of a bunch of MASSIVE FOOD RIOTS??? Yeah makes sense, wouldn't want the mass of population FEEDING themselves. Your neighbors crack smoke might be seeping under your door or in through your air ducts. I would get that shit checked out.

    I hope some other Jackals speak up here and point out how ludicrous one must have to be suggest paying more taxes on alcohol. Have you ever heard of the Whiskey Rebellion? Do you know your American History? These are thirsty Jackals here in this Den and they can get very nasty over silly ass talk like this........

    This was my favorite sentence though: "Unfortunately, the mass of population can't determine what's good for themselves, so you have to take away their wealth." Man if this sentence is a poorly disguised ruse for your maniacal world domination plans I don't know what is. You are a sick puppy sir. It is unfortunate though that your NWO plans will fail. I will personally see to it.

    I have more to say really but I will keep it short and sweet, this time. Wouldn't want to burden a Jackal with having to read a few paragraphs instead of a little tidy slogan. Lets Win the Future right?

  5. bhmf, you fuck. These are not my ideas. I do not have an NWO agenda. I could give a fuck about beans and food costs and your fundamental distrust of all things government. As the State of the Den(postponed due to Super Bowl awesomeness) will detail, the Den is an avenue to discuss, vent, UNF, etc. I'm not saying I approve, I'm saying I understand. I love Maryland, but I don't give a fuck about elected officials. They're all scum bags, but at least Obama is convincing when he feeds us bullshit. I like to think he has the nation's priorities(innumerable as they may be) in order. He was kind of dealt a shitty hand, but he's kind of jackaling it up. My point about taxes, is they are a deterrent. Motherfuckers are too stubborn and addicted to quite smoking, so every few years they hike the tax on them. Some people quit as a result, others do not. If emitting carbon is going to cost you money, you might find a way not to emit it(speaking of which, I just rode my bike 7 miles to work.) In the meantime you generate revenue for roads, schools, school bus drivers. Got my fucking drift, dick polisher? You need to chill the fuck out. State of the Den is coming.

  6. The mass of the population is retarded. Exhibit a: American Idol. Exhibit B: the halftime show last night. Tax them. Kill them. Take away their reproductive organs. Ship their asses to the moon. I don't give a fuck what you do just don't let them make any important decisions.

  7. Boogers coming out swinging. You sure you don't have a NWO agenda??? You think O is a Jackal. Sounds a little suspect to me. By saying you "could give a fuck about beans and food costs " in effect you are saying you don't care if everyone starves. Now I can tell you are more of a bleeding heart than that.

    Taxes may be a deterrent I suppose, but before that they are theft. I don't think you understand that. But fine, I will give you O got dealt a shitty hand, but just cause you don't mind getting robbed don't think it is okay for everyone else.

    You must not like paying taxes, seems to me you are already finding ways around them. Now drive a Big SUV like the rest of us and cough up your carbon taxes.

    Chill the fuck out? I am definitely chill dude, it was minus twenty five this morning. I think I pushed your Obama button with the Win the Future remark? You gotta a thing for him I see. Touchy touchy........

    SS --- You are one mean Jackal Jesus lay off humanity. We haven't blown ourselves to bits yet......give us some time.

  8. Bhmf riddle me this... what is the root cause of every single issue you and bmr argue about? Scarcity of resources from what I can tell as a direct result of there being WAY too many mother fuckers on this planet. Know which retards have the most kids, the most retarded retards. Idiocracy ain't a joke, it's a prophecy. Mouthbreathers gotta be put to sleep

  9. Well the root cause of taxes are thieving lawmakers. What else have we been arguing about? I am just trying to rile shit up and Boogers is an easy target. Forgive me..........

    You are indeed correct we live on a finite planet, with finite resources. That concept is too much for a lot of people. So I am resigned to fight for my share. We all can't get along there are too many of us and too few resources. The sooner you resign yourself to this the better. We gonna fight it all out for the last drop of everything precious, like the apes in the jungle that we are.

    Shit be real. Thats why I fight to keep my money (what little I have, even the taxes) instead of willingly giving it up to the global corporate elite NWO foreign banker thugs. UNF on them.

  10. Haven't these characters been around long enough to call it an Old World Order? It'd be new to us, but they're just waiting for the right time to spring their old trap, right?

  11. You got it Boogs. They could conceivably be called the Old World Order. Exactly. It would be new to us, hence we call it the New World Order. And it is new. New money (Euro, Amero) new countries (the European Union, the UN) new police (Interpol) etc etc etc.

    You get HAARP and other shit like that, why don't you get this?

    They are not waiting for the right time to spring their trap, they been springing it all along.

    That Saudi Oil story is serious though. It is bound to happen, I hope it is not in my lifetime but it probably will be. Oil runs, and when I say runs I mean FUCKING runs, this world. Price of oil gets too high this world STOPS. And when I say stops I mean FUCKING STOPS. You get it, I think? Your bug out bag is ready right???

  12. I haven't started my bug out bag. My college roommate had a neva' know box, that was pretty jackal. It was more or less a random collection of junk in the trunk of his car. Not really the whole survival kit formula, but whatever. I'm meeting T-Large and the cabin gang at Apocalypse Point aka the Dwelling Place with lots of ammunition and booze.

  13. Seeing what I am saying homey? Where there are droughts there be floods. You can't have one without the other. Now that's some shit they won't teach you in weatherman school.

    Okay you need to get on that bug out bag. I dunno about the neva know box sounds kinda GAF. Junk in the trunk<----Peter Griffin Laugh.

    Yo I gotta lots a shit in my trunk, doesn't everyone? What's this T-Large ammuntion, booze, Apocalypse Point? WTF is going on? T-Large is afraid of ammunition (but he ain't afraid of some booze). I seen 'em cowering before when we's unloading clips in the .357
