Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jackal Call To Action: State of the Den Address

Jackals, bhmf had a great idea amidst his otherwise unintelligible banter. We need to assess the state of our Jackalness and address a series of priorities and jackalisms we intend to uphold. These truths are evident as fuck and we'll hold them shits accordingly. Don't sleep. Email your two cents to your ol' pal Boogers and we'll post it proper like the 100th post. You know the drill. UNF. In general, put clones on the lookout.


  1. Can a Jackal get a due date on this deliverable??

  2. Let's let the jackals weigh in. It shouldn't take long; a few photos, some funny stuff, maybe a YouTube video, who knows? Maybe we should give that jackals a whole week and BMR will post that joint next Monday. Any thoughts?

  3. I don't know about all that, it sounds GAF, but I do second the motion to have a round table if there is Gambling and drinking happening.

    So I propose Charlestown WV this Saturday.

  4. Sounds like our priorities are being lazy and procrastinating I dunno. Don't sleep yo and don't work either. They are not conducive to our jackal-ness.

    Anyways I need that picture blown up, I can't tell whose face is plastered on who, but that shits funny. I don't see my face on TJ, thats all I know.

  5. I nominate T-Large Gay Clone of the Day for not getting me one photo of your crazy ass walking on fire or looking crazy. I really wanted to bhmf-ify this picture.

  6. P.S., bhmf, the Jackals Den is equipped with zoom capabilities, just so you know. This comes in handy on Friday when your boy grabs high ass resolution photos of some fine ass Hotties.

  7. Awwww shit, what kind of lineup have we here?

    Is that Tico-SS looking like he got put asleep-Gay Clone of the Day TLarge (fucking toolbag! you had a chance to bhmf-ify this picture, what's your fucking problem man?), Boogers doing some Stevie Wonder shit, and Head looking at the fucking ceiling.

    Man this State of the Den is gonna be a fucking wreck, this crew is all whacked out..............I'm out gonna zoom some Hottie ass and that is the self evident truth.
